platter of foods that are rich in b12

5 Reasons Your Vitamin B12 Levels May Be Low

In this article, we will explain what vitamin B12 is and its function in the body. We will also take a look at what may cause vitamin B12 deficiencies, the negative effects of these lower levels, and some ways we can regain a healthy balance of vitamins in the body.

What even is a vitamin?

We all remember taking vitamins as kids – but what exactly is a vitamin and what does it do? Vitamins are ‘vital amines,’ also known as organic molecules or macronutrients. Vitamins help the body function normally. They are helpful for healing injuries, turning food into energy, forming blood cells, making DNA, and the list goes on and on.

Vitamins are essential to nearly every system in the body, and while there are 13 recognized vitamins, this article will be focusing on one of them: vitamin B12.

What is vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an important vitamin that is required for all individuals. Having the proper levels of B12 in the body is essential to maintain the best health possible. Vitamin B12’s range of functions aid in the body’s production of red blood cells and DNA, as well as in essential processes in the nervous system.

Where does B12 come from? It is actually produced by bacteria, not by animals, plants, or fungi even though we take it in through the consumption of animal products. Our natural stores of vitamin B12 can be found in our liver and can last up to 3 to 10 years.

When it comes to vitamin B12 deficiency and its causes, it narrows down to two main reasons: a decrease in food consumption and a compromise in the body’s normal absorption of the vitamin. While most of the symptoms can be attributed to these two reasons, there are a variety of complexities within each of these groups.

What causes vitamin B12 deficiencies?

Everything in the body should be balanced to function properly. A decrease in any vitamin level in your blood will lead to a vitamin deficiency. This could be causing anything from bone loss to weight loss and even issues in the immune system. An increase in vitamin levels in your blood will lead to hypervitaminosis, which is connected to toxic symptoms.

Let’s take a closer look at some of the causes of vitamin B12 deficiencies.

1. Having a “strict” vegan/vegetarian diet

One of the main dietary causes for B12 deficiencies is something that doctors call a ‘strict’ vegan diet. People who may have a B12 deficiency in this case are individuals that completely eliminate animal products from their diet without getting B12 from some other source, like a supplement. Another cause could even be from a vegetarian diet, especially in the case of pregnancy. Women require higher levels of B12 during pregnancy. The fetus absorbs vitamin B12, so improper or imbalanced levels of the vitamin could lead to a deficiency. This is also likely for women that are breastfeeding an infant due to the increased uptake of vitamins from the infant. While vegan and vegetarian diets can cause vitamin B12 deficiencies, lower levels can also occur if there are issues with the body’s natural absorption of vitamins.

2. Medications that reduce stomach acidity

Some medications can lead to problems with the body’s absorption of vitamin B12. These medications are ones that will reduce the acidity in the body’s stomach. This is a problem for B12 absorption because the acidity in the stomach is what helps us break down food and gain access to B12.

These medications can also be known as H2 receptor blockers or proton pump inhibitors. H2 blockers are normally used to help with issues like stomach inflammation, gastritis, or even certain types of ulcers. Proton pump inhibitors similarly reduce stomach acid and are used typically to help with issues related to acid reflux.

Other types of medications include metformin and neomycin. Metformin is commonly used to treat type 2 diabetes, and neomycin is used in combination with other medications. In a variety of cases, it is used to lower the risk of bacterial infections.

These are just some of the examples of medication that can lead to decreased or compromised absorption of vitamin B12 in the body and can actually worsen a B12 deficiency.

3. Pancreatic Diseases

In some cases, the pancreas can have problems with the glands it uses to secrete chemicals into the bloodstream. This can cause symptoms related to jaundice and can be noticed in the yellowing of the eyes or the skin. There are pancreatic enzymes that we need in order to help with vitamin B12 absorption. A lack of B12 can cause issues with the body’s red blood cells such as a decrease in the production and circulation throughout the body. This is what can lead to the discoloration of the eyes and skin.

4. Neuropathy

This is more of a symptom than a cause, but it’s important to note because it happens to many people. Problems with the body’s absorption of B12 can lead to issues with the body’s peripheral nerves, which you may experience in the form of tingling, numbness, or weakness in areas like your hands and feet (i.e., neuropathy).

Vitamin B12 is essential for your body in this context because it aids in the strengthening of your nerves. Your nerves need to transfer signals safely, which explains why a lack of B12 will cause your nerves to weaken and work improperly. This can be a vague symptom at times, experienced even through a burning sensation in the hands or the feet.

5. Gastrointestinal Disease

This last one is probably the most directly related issue to your body’s absorption of B12 in your stomach. Gastrointestinal diseases can include anything from Crohn’s disease, Celiac disease, gastritis, or malabsorption syndrome. Another cause could be a gastric bypass, which is where portions of the intestinal tract are taken out. This will cause issues with your body’s absorption rates. Other GI diseases that we may not generally hear about can be an infection from a fish tapeworm, which will lead to lower B12 levels due to the tapeworm feeding on the vitamin.

How do I know if my B12 levels are low?

While we have covered many of the causes and some of the symptoms of B12 deficiency, there are some proven ways to test your B12 levels. Doctors will diagnose B12 deficiency by simply checking your blood’s B12 levels with a standard blood test. This would check for the presence of antibodies or of an elevated level of a substance called methylmalonic acid (MMA). MMA is directly related to patients with B12 deficiency.

While there are some home tests and over-the-counter solutions, some of these methods may have not been fully tested or not as effective as more thorough treatments. The best option is to consult with your primary healthcare provider for the most accurate results and treatments for any deficiencies that may be present.

Treating B12 deficiency with IV infusions

There are a few ways to treat a B12 deficiency. It depends on whether it was caused by impaired absorption or from a nutritional deficiency.

B12 shots and dietary changes in combination with B12 supplements are commonly used to treat both major causes of B12 deficiencies. B12 supplements come in the form of oral pills or through injection. However, some individuals may not see the best absorption results from vitamins taken orally. Though injectable vitamins are not for everyone, they may be the more effective route for restoring your B12 levels.

To learn more about how injectable vitamins can provide direct boosts to your metabolism and improve your health and brain functions, you can schedule an appointment here, or visit for more information on what may be best for your individual situation.

woman receiving iv hydration therapy while drinking lemon water

What does NAD do for the body?

Humans are living longer and better than ever before – talented scientists, researchers, and doctors continue to discover new answers for how the body works. We have learned ways to decrease infant mortality rates and increase life expectancies in many countries around the world. While this has enabled many of us to live longer, there are still some inescapable facts of life that accompany old age. One thing professionals have learned is that, over time, our bodies will experience cell damage. Learning what this looks like and what causes it, on a molecular level, has led to new therapeutic practices in the field of anti-aging/regenerative medicine. Treatments like IV vitamin therapy or NAD infusions can relieve a wide range of symptoms related to things like mineral imbalances or general fatigue.

What is NAD/NAD+?

Studies have shown that our cells produce less and less energy as we grow older. This means we are losing the fuel our cells need for repairing any damages. That’s where NAD comes into play. It stands for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, and it is a critical cofactor involved in hundreds of processes in the body.

One of its main uses is related to energy production within the mitochondria which, as you know from high school science class, is the powerhouse of the cell. NAD is crucial in converting the nutrients we eat in our foods into usable energy through chemical reactions that can be directly related to other processes in our bodies, like metabolic rates or the amount of ATP produced in the body. ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate, but all you need to know is that when your cell needs energy it will pull from ATP as a source. The thing is that ATP cannot be made without NAD; the two are directly related.

You can think of it like this: if you are getting older, you are going to have more DNA damage. It just so happens that the little helper your cell uses to repair your DNA requires NAD as fuel.

How can NAD help us live longer?

That is exactly why NAD+ IV infusions and IV vitamin therapy have so many therapeutic benefits – from promoting brain growth and muscle recovery to treating chronic illness, managing pain/stress and even restoring your energy and mood.

For years now, practitioners have offered IV vitamins to help patients boost their immune system and deal with chronic pain conditions. This method of treatment is being used more and more because the IV is a very efficient way to deliver supplements into the body. They are infused directly into the circulatory system, bypassing other systems, like the digestive tract. There are other methods for delivery of NAD supplements through ingestion or even using a patch, but the IV method allows more NAD to be absorbed by the body. For people who aren’t a huge fan of needles, though, the NAD patch is a great alternative which will give you the same benefits over time. With studies showing less certainty that we are able to take them in through ingestion, and with the direct path to our bloodstream through the IV injections, the IV route remains the more efficient and extremely safe treatment.

After using IV vitamins for years, a newer treatment has been developed called NAD+ IV infusion. It is the process where the oxidized form of NAD is administered via IV drip to deliver the coenzyme directly into the bloodstream.

Research has shown powerful connections between NAD levels in our cells and our mental and physical health as we grow older. Decreased levels of NAD have shown to speed up the aging process as well as increase the risk for certain age-related diseases. Since NAD works with other enzymes in our cells to help them create and maintain energy, these treatments aim to decrease the risks of neuro- and muscular degeneration and improve cardiovascular and metabolic health.

Let’s take a look at some of the different ways we can deal with age-related or health conditions by replenishing our levels of NAD in the body:

Anti-Aging/Regenerative Properties

As mentioned earlier, NAD is the source of energy for a cell to repair itself. Replenishing our bodies’ NAD levels affects us in various ways – but most recent research links NAD with overall cell protection and more specifically, DNA repair.

Both of these abilities, in theory, can prolong an individual’s lifespan. Typically, the best results have been seen in systems of the body that benefit directly from mitochondrial functions: brain growth and muscle recovery. The special enzymes in our brains that NAD activates are called sirtuins. Research has linked sirtuins with:

  • strengthening memory
  • improving cognition, and
  • decreasing risks of degenerative diseases.

Not only do sirtuins support growth for your brain and its functions, but it also acts to reinforce and protect parts of your DNA as it undergoes mitosis. Essentially, NAD has varying effects on other molecules and biological conditions in your body to provide energy as well as protect and maintain current energy production.

Boost Athletic Performance with NAD

Whether it’s for rehabilitation or even for athletic performance, restoring your cell’s NAD levels will improve muscle recovery in damaged tissues. Many athletes will strain and push their bodies to their limits. People who challenge their physical limits in this way are heavily depleting their body of NAD. Even though athletes like this will be in peak physical shape, their levels of NAD are being used extremely fast.

If you are an athlete and have noticed that your workouts are not producing the same results that they used to, or that you are hitting what seems like a ceiling in your progress, it may be because your body is utilizing all the energy that it possibly has to get to a certain level.

In cases like this, adding even just a small amount of supplementary NAD to the body can give a boost to an athlete’s performance. In addition to boosting performance, using NAD therapy can also reduce athlete’s recovery periods. Typically, if athletes have performed at a very high level for a long period of time, their bodies are depleted of NAD and energy. This makes following workouts more strenuous and not as effective as they could be. By adding NAD to the body, it allows the athlete to generate more energy so that they can recover and get back to their normal routine more quickly.

Weight Loss Benefits of NAD Infusions

Another major use for NAD is to boost the body’s metabolism. If you have been trying to either lose weight or just boost your metabolism to operate at a higher level, then NAD can be a very good option for you. Patients who are wanting to use NAD therapy to boost their metabolism have typically seen the best results by already consulting their primary health care provider to ensure that they are following some other necessary guidelines that would help with losing weight and boosting metabolism.

If you are considering being a candidate for NAD therapy, be sure to consult with your doctor or primary health care provider. It’s important that you are maintaining the right diet, and exercising enough to be leading at least a fairly healthy lifestyle.

If these things apply to you already, then using NAD treatments as an additional therapy or boost is a great place to start because NAD is involved in redox reactions, which are the chemical reactions that lead to energy production in the body.

NAD is really important in the metabolism of carbohydrates – they help turn carbs into sugars that can be used by your brain, your muscles, and all of your cells. The more efficiently the body can turn carbs into usable sugar, the faster your metabolism works.

What does an IV session involve? Will there be any side effects?

As mentioned earlier, NAD is normally administered through an IV. It is a longer infusion than maybe doing an IV vitamin hydration. If you decide that NAD therapy may be something you want to explore, schedule a time to talk with whoever is administering the therapy so that they can see what your individual wellness goals.

After that, you’ll be connected to an IV line and the fluids would begin to be administered. Drip times vary on how quickly your body will receive it, so you may experience some side effects associated with the infusion if the speed is very high. Side effects may include an elevated heart rate, chest tightness, or shortness of breath – all very mild. These side effects are typically relieved by simply turning down the rate of the IV drip.

There are other options available, like NAD patches, so feel free to consult with your primary doctor for what is best for you and your goals. You can schedule an appointment here or go to for more information.

needle with pills and a chronic diseases sign

Ease Symptoms of Chronic Infection with IV Hydration Therapy

Some people struggle with viral or bacterial infections that affect them for a long period of time. Some illnesses even cause life-long symptoms that can be debilitating and frustrating  to live with. There are many chronic conditions out there and they vary in nature and severity. However, IV therapy can bring relief from many of the most common symptoms.

Types of Chronic Infections Commonly Treated with IV Hydration Therapy

Some of the illnesses that can be treated with regular IV therapy include:

  • Lyme disease
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Epstein-Barr virus
  • Cytomegalovirus
  • Skin infections
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Sinus infections
  • Other sexually transmitted disease

While these conditions are different, they can all lead to fatigue, fever, stomach infection, and joint pain.

How IV Hydration Therapy Can Help

Since long-term infections can put lots of stress on the body, you need to make sure that you’re getting all the nutrients you need so you can be as healthy as possible. Your food should be your primary source of nutrition but many people don’t get all the vitamins and minerals they need from their meals alone. While taking oral vitamins is an option, it is not as effective or efficient as supplementing via IV. Fortunately, many of the vitamins and minerals that doctors advise people with chronic illnesses to take can be administered via IV.

When you take nutrients orally, your stomach and liver have to break them down and only a small portion makes it into the bloodstream. However, when vitamins are administered directly into the bloodstream, they don’t go through the digestive system so the full dosage becomes available to the body almost immediately.  It is also much easier to take large doses of vitamins in this way.

People with chronic illnesses also often need more nutrients than they could comfortably consume in the form of food or pills. In contrast, intravenous therapy provides a fast, efficient way to boost your nutrient intake and get relief from symptoms associated with chronic infections. Patients don’t typically experience any discomfort beyond the initial needle prick and they can just relax while they receive treatment.

Contact IVMeNow Today to Learn More

We offer a mobile service throughout South Florida and we can visit you at your home, office or hotel. Call us today to book an appointment or to find out if IV hydration therapy is right for you.

vitamin b complex

Why Should I Include B-Complex Vitamins in My IV Hydration Treatment?

The vitamin B-complex is made up of eight different vitamins that all help to convert food into energy. They also each play a unique role in ensuring the individual’s health and wellbeing. People who eat a nutritious, varied diet usually get adequate amounts of vitamin B, but others need to supplement. IV hydration treatment is the most effective way to boost your intake of vitamins and other nutrients.

The Eight B Vitamins that make up the B-Complex

B vitamins are essential. Let’s look at the role of each vitamin. Vitamin B1 (thiamin) is important for the proper functioning of the brain, heart, and other organs. Meanwhile, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is necessary for the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Vitamin B3 (niacin) helps to maintain the health of the skin and nerves and aids in digestion.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) supports a healthy brain and nervous system while vitamin B6 or pyridoxine helps to strengthen the immune system. It also assists in the production of new blood cells. Vitamin B7, also known as biotin, is necessary for healthy hair, nails, and nerve function. Meanwhile, the body needs vitamin B9 (folic acid) to make DNA and genetic material and vitamin B12 (cobalamin) to support the nerve and blood cells.

If you’re not getting adequate levels of these vitamins, you need to supplement with IV hydration treatment. That way, you can avoid many of the problems caused by a lack of B-complex vitamins.

Get Relief from These Conditions with IV Hydration Therapy

Many people struggle with health problems that may be partially due to a lack of Vitamin B. For example, some studies suggest that vitamins B6, B9 and B12 can help to prevent migraines with aura. Vitamin B2 may also help to prevent migraines by addressing dysfunction of the mitochondria.

Meanwhile lower levels of vitamin B12 have been linked to increased depression and anxiety. While more research is needed in this area, it’s possible that getting adequate amounts of B vitamins could bring relief from mood disorders.

B vitamins can also improve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and help with the healing of wounds and canker sores. In addition, pregnant women, vegans and vegetarians, people who have had gastric bypass surgery, and older adults can all benefit from IV hydration therapy.

Get in Touch with IVMeNow Today

Boosting your vitamin B intake can improve your overall health. If you think IV therapy may be right for you, contact IVMe Now and inquire about our South Florida mobile service.

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Would IV Hydration Therapy with NAD+ Relieve My Anxiety?

Many people struggle with anxiety and often they rely on medication and therapy for relief from their symptoms. While these are effective, some people opt to supplement their doctor-prescribed treatment with IV hydration therapy. A variety of nutrients coupled with NAD+ is popular. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the symptoms of anxiety as well as how IV therapy may help.

Symptoms of Anxiety

There are different types of anxiety disorders. Some people are diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder which is characterized by persistent anxiety. However, other people experience anxiety linked to specific situations. In most cases, individuals with anxiety disorders experience:

  • Feelings of tension and nervousness
  • Trouble sleeping or concentration
  • Worry that’s difficult to control
  • A sense of impending danger or doom
  • Hyperventilation and sweating

Getting Relief from Your Symptoms with IV Hydration Therapy

Many people with anxiety disorders report a reduction in their symptoms after they get IV hydration therapy. The treatment can be customized to meet your nutritional needs, unlike an oral supplement. However, individuals struggling with anxiety often benefit from certain ingredients.

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) is a chemical that can help you to fight symptoms of anxiety. It occurs naturally in the body and helps to protect the structure of cells. NAD also affects siriutins which are proteins that affect mood. An infusion of NAD can ensure you have enough of this protein in your body to regulate your mood.

Certain vitamins and minerals that support brain health can also be included in your IV. B vitamins are especially important and if you have a deficiency, you may experience fatigue and mood disturbances. Meanwhile, vitamin C is necessary to protect your cells from free radical damage. Free radicals in the nervous system can make symptoms of anxiety worse.

Magnesium is also an essential ingredient if you often feel anxious. If you are deficient in this mineral, you’re more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression. When you have optimum levels of magnesium in your body, you’ll have healthier brain function.

Your brain also needs zinc to produce serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). These neurotransmitters help to reduce anxiety. If you address any zinc deficiencies you have, you may get relief from your anxiety symptoms.

Contact IVMeNow to Get the Help You Need

If you’re looking for another way to overcome your anxiety, IV hydration therapy may be just the thing you need. Get in touch with IVMeNow today and ask about our mobile service.

man with a pillow and clouds in the background

Would IV Hydration Treatment Relieve My Insomnia?

Not being able to sleep can be highly frustrating. Not only do you find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep at night, but you feel tired and irritable the next day. Many people don’t realize just how important sleep is. Or how it affects physical and mental health. Sleep regulates appetite and boosts the immune system. It also improves concentration, and decreases the risk of depression. If you’ve been struggling to get a good night’s rest, you may have received several tips. Friends and family may have told you to reduce your screen time. Others may have said limit caffeine or use blackout blinds in your bedroom. However, you may not have been told about the benefits offered by IV hydration treatment. While several factors can lead to sleep problems, many of them are actually caused by dehydration and a lack of nutrients.

How Dehydration and a Lack of Nutrients Can Cause Insomnia

If you are dehydrated, you may feel exhausted but still be unable to sleep. Alternatively, you may feel awake when you would expect to be tired. Without adequate amounts of fluids, you may also experience headaches and lower melatonin levels. Both of these can make it difficult to sleep. Another effect of dehydration is soreness or itchiness of the eyes, mouth or skin. If these parts of your body aren’t well lubricated, they will be uncomfortable and again, insomnia may also occur.

When you don’t get adequate sleep, you won’t just be tired. You’ll also be at greater risk of developing cancer, mood disorders, heart disease, and other conditions. The good news is that when you rehydrate your body and replenish the vitamins you badly need, you’ll likely experience an improvement in your quality of sleep. If your insomnia is due to an underlying condition, treating that condition with IV hydration threatment is likely to improve your sleep.

Why Hydration Therapy Is So Helpful

With IV hydration, you get a customized infusion of the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that you need, all in a sterile saline solution. For people dealing with insomnia, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B6 are especially helpful. Zinc regulates mood, improves wellbeing, and boosts the quality of sleep. Magnesium supports brain function, reduces inflammation, and helps to balance mood. It has been known to improve the quality and duration of sleep. Meanwhile, vitamin B6 assists in the production of serotonin and melatonin which are important to mood and sound sleep.

Contact IVMeNow to Learn If IV Hydration Treatment is Right for You

If you’ve tried almost everything to improve your sleep and you’re still struggling to get a restful night, IV hydration treatment may be right for you. Contact us to learn more about our South Florida mobile service and how we can help you to say goodbye to insomnia.

woman holding smiley face to her side

Using IV Hydration Therapy to Counter Poor Gut Health

The gut plays an important role in health. If your gut isn’t functioning properly, you’re likely to experience nutritional deficiencies. This can cause a wide range of health challenges. However, many people have a compromised digestive system. This can be caused by poor nutrition, stress, NSAID use, alcohol consumption, and other lifestyle factors. Fortunately, IV hydration therapy can often provide some relief.

What is The Gut?

The term “gut” refers to the entire gastrointestinal tract that starts with your mouth and ends with your rectum. This means it includes organs such as the pancreas, liver, and intestines. These systems are designed to work together. But they need to be kept in good health. Furthermore, if there are too many bad bacteria in any part of your digestive system, you’re at risk of a variety of problems.

Symptoms of Poor Gut Health

Signs that your digestive system is out of balance include:

  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Headaches
  • Ache and pains
  • Mental fog

How IV Therapy Helps

People who are experiencing these symptoms are often eager to find relief. One of the things you may not have tried is IV hydration therapy. This treatment can be used to boost your nutrient intake. Therefore, it can increase energy, relieve anxiety and depression, and even reduce pain.

Keep in mind, every individual has unique nutritional needs. IV therapy can target your specific deficiencies and ensure you get the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids you require. An IV drip can be customized in ways that oral supplements simply can’t. If your gut is compromised, even when you’re eating a balanced diet, your body won’t be able to fully absorb the nutrients.

The most effective way to get nutrients into your bloodstream is to get IV hydration therapy. Zinc, glutathione, vitamin C may be particularly helpful for people with digestive issues. However, your IV drip can include other nutrients depending on your needs. Treatment takes less than an hour and it can be administered in your home, office or hotel room.

Other things that may be helpful if you’re experiencing digestive issues include:

  • Avoiding processed foods
  • Eliminating foods that cause discomfort
  • Avoiding over-the-counter pain medications
  • Reducing or completely eliminating alcohol
  • Managing stress
  • Getting adequate sleep
  • Staying hydrated
  • Eating anti-inflammatory foods

Contact IVMeNow to Book Your Treatment Today

If you think you would benefit from intravenous treatment, reach out to the team at IVMeNow. First, we offer a mobile service throughout South Florida. Secondly, we’ll happily answer any questions you may have about how our treatment could help you. Call us today!

magnesium pills over the element sign

Benefits of Supplementing Magnesium with IV Therapy?

Magnesium is one of the key minerals in the human body and it plays several roles in maintaining your health. It can be found in every cell in the body and is involved in hundreds of reactions. Most individuals are at risk of magnesium deficiency even if they try to eat a healthy diet. One way to increase your intake of this vital nutrient is to get regular IV hydration therapy.

The Role of Magnesium in the Body

Magnesium assists in several important functions. For example, it helps to convert the food you eat into energy and supports the creation of new proteins from amino acids. Magnesium is also involved in the contraction and relaxation of muscles and it helps to create and repair DNA. If that were not enough, it helps to regulate the nervous system.

Studies have shown that magnesium has a role to play in physical performance. It helps to get rid of lactate and moves blood sugar into the muscles and it is estimated that individuals may need up to 20 percent more magnesium when exercising.

Magnesium may also be helpful for people with Type 2 diabetes. Many people with this condition have low magnesium levels and this can prevent insulin from controlling their blood sugar levels. Research also shows that people with low magnesium consumption are at higher risk of developing diabetes.

Magnesium may also help to prevent and treat migraines and fight depression and anxiety. Deficiency can lead to irregular heartbeat, muscle spasms, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome. If you want to improve your health and keep painful, debilitating conditions at bay, IV hydration therapy may be the answer.

The Benefits of IV Therapy

Intravenous delivery is often the most efficient way to get vitamins and minerals into the body. Since the nutrients bypass the digestive system, they go straight into the bloodstream and become immediately available to the body. Unlike oral supplements, the ingredients in the IV drip can be tailored specifically to your needs and you get the added boost of instant hydration.

IV therapy is also convenient. You can get treatment at your home, office or hotel room while reading, listening to music, or even continuing to work. This means you don’t need to visit a doctor’s office and there’s little disruption to your day.

Contact IVMeNow to Get More Information

If you want to increase your magnesium intake in the most efficient and effective way, give us a call and ask about mobile service. We’ll let you know if IV therapy is right for you.

man and woman sitting on the couch with a cold

What to Do When You First Notice Flu Symptoms

Flu symptoms often come on suddenly, making it difficult to respond quickly. You may go to sleep feeling fine then wake up with symptoms. Since there’s no cure, it can be difficult to know what to do. However, many people find that IV hydration therapy helps to bring fast relief from early flu symptoms.

Common Early Signs of the Flu

Generally, people tend to experience:

  • Extreme fatigue. Simply getting out of bed may seem almost impossible.
  • Headaches and body aches. Aches are one of the most common flu symptoms.
  • You may feel like you can’t get warm no matter how much you turn up the heat.
  • Sore throat. If you’re also experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, it’s likely that you have the flu and not a cold.

Steps to Take When You Notice Flu Symptoms

The flu is a common illness, but it can put you out of commission for a few days or even longer if not handled correctly. You can also make other people sick if you’re not careful. Here are some of the things you need to do.

Boost Your Nutrient Intake with IV Hydration Therapy

Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help to relieve your symptoms and speed up your recovery. The sterile saline solution will also provide the extra fluids that you need at this time. Flu sufferers tend to benefit from vitamin C, vitamin B12, glutathione, zinc, and magnesium. Since people who are unwell often don’t have much of an appetite and may not be able to keep fluids down, IV therapy is the most efficient response.

Get Your Rest

Sleeping gives your immune system an opportunity to fight illness. If you slow down and get some rest when you notice the onset of flu symptoms, you may recover more quickly.  Many adults need about nine hours of sleep when they have the flu but you should give your body what it needs.

Pay Attention to Hygiene

You need to try to avoid making other people ill. You should stay at home as much as possible in the early days and wash your hands frequently if you live with other people. Try to limit physical contact and sanitize any items that have to be shared among you. If you have to go out, be sure to use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.

Contact IVMeNow to Book Your Treatment

Get fast relief from flu symptoms by booking our mobile IV hydration service in South Florida. We’ll visit you at your home, hotel, or office and help you to get back on your feet.

man holding his back while running

Get Relief from These Medical Conditions with IV Hydration Therapy

If you want a healthy body and mind, one of the most important things you need to do is get adequate hydration. Water supports a healthy immune system, regulates sleep, and promotes optimum brain function, among several other roles. However, IV hydration therapy goes beyond simply supplying fluids. It can be used to provide nutrients that relieve symptoms of several mental and physical conditions. If you’re dealing with a health problem and you’re struggling to get relief, you may find intravenous treatment helpful.


Depression is a serious mental illness and it can severely impact your ability to function normally. It is characterized by a range of symptoms including sadness, loss of interest in hobbies, increased fatigue, suicidal thoughts, and difficulty concentrating. Treatment for depression usually includes psychotherapy and antidepressants.

However, many individuals find that IV hydration therapy also provides additional relief. If your mental health is suffering because of a lack of nutrients or a lack of fluids, IV therapy may be suitable. You’ll get the vitamins, minerals, and fluids you need to boost your mood and your energy levels.


People living with fibromyalgia are regularly in pain even when they’re not otherwise ill or injured. Even a minor bruise can be especially painful for them. If you have this condition, you know that doctors aren’t quite sure what causes it. However, it is accepted that psychological stress and physical trauma can cause the symptoms to flare up.

While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, there are several treatment options including medication, exercise and calming techniques. If you want to give something else a try, you should consider IV hydration therapy. With the right mix of ingredients, you may be able to get relief from pain and fatigue while getting a much-needed boost in energy.


Pollen, certain foods, pet dander and other substances can cause an allergic reaction in many people. Your immune system thinks the allergens are harmful even though they aren’t inherently dangerous. The result is inflammation in certain areas of the body such as the sinuses, skin or eyes. If you’re suffering from hives, stomach pain or red watery eyes because of allergies, you probably want any help you can get. Avoiding the allergen is best, if possible. Medication such as steroids and decongestants often bring short-term relief but you may get additional benefits from intravenous treatment. You’ll get antioxidants, vitamins and hydrating fluids that can flush out the allergens and improve your wellbeing.

Contact IVMeNow to Book Your Treatment

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