man working on computer for productivity

How IV Therapy Can Make You More Productive at Work

Regardless of the type of job you have, it’s important that you’re productive at work. Productivity gives you a sense of personal satisfaction and it can even get you a promotion or bonus. If you’ve been looking for ways to improve your output and efficiency, you may have been looking at technology or time management solutions. However, you may not have considered improving your health and trying IV hydration treatment.

How IV Therapy Can Improve Productivity

What you consume has a direct impact on your energy levels, mood, and ability to focus on your work. If you eat lots of sugar and carbohydrates and try to get by on caffeine, you won’t be at your best. When the buzz wears off, you feel tired and it’ll be difficult to concentrate. Your productivity will take a hit. To improve your work performance, you need a consistent supply of vitamins and minerals. When you have the necessary nutrients, your mental and physical wellbeing will improve, and you’ll be better able to give of your best.

Improving your diet and taking oral supplements will of course help you to get on the right track. However, it can take weeks before you begin to notice a significant difference. If you have to work on a big project right now or you’re starting a new job, you’ll want something quicker and more efficient. That’s where IV therapy comes in. This is the fastest way to replenish vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Since the IV bypasses the digestive system and goes straight to the bloodstream, your cells get immediate access to the nutrients.

What’s more, the treatment can be tailored specifically to your needs. Whether you want to boost your energy levels, improve the function of your immune system, increase brain function or maximize your physical performance, the appropriate ingredients can be included in your drip. You’ll get a medical screening before your treatment and you can discuss your goals with your IV treatment professional, so you get exactly what you need. Common ingredients include vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, and glutathione. They’re placed in a saline solution that offers the added benefit of instant hydration.

Contact IVMeNow Today to Learn More About Your Options

If your work performance could use a boost and you want a quick solution, give IV therapy a try. We offer a mobile service throughout South Florida. Call us today to book an appointment and we’ll come to you.

child weighing themselves on a scale

Can IV Therapy Boost My Nutrient Intake After Bariatric Surgery?

The prevalence of obesity in the United States was estimated to be above 40 percent between 2017 to 2018. While many people use diet and exercise to help them lose weight, some people undergo bariatric surgery under the advice of their physician. While reducing the size of the stomach facilitates weight loss, it can also reduce the amount of nutrients the body can absorb. As you know, your body needs a wide variety of nutrients to support good health. Oral supplements are an option. But IV therapy is the most efficient way to increase your nutrient intake following bariatric surgery.

How Bariatric Surgery Affects the Body

Bariatric surgery can be done in a number of ways. Your physician will recommend the best option for you based on your needs. Regardless of how the surgery is done, it will be very difficult for your body to absorb the nutrients it previously did. If you don’t get enough vitamins and minerals, you’re likely to expect several health problems. This can include headaches, fatigue, and depression. To prevent this, your doctor will probably give you a long list of supplements. You may need to take them for the rest of your life.

Why IV Therapy Can Be So Beneficial

IV therapy can make it a lot easier to get the nutrients that you need. Taking high doses of oral supplements can upset your stomach. It can also cause diarrhea. Furthermore, only a small portion of what you take will reach your cells. However, when you get IV treatment, the nutrients will be delivered directly to the bloodstream. They will bypass the stomach and intestines. You’ll begin to feel the effects within hours. And you wouldn’t need to take such a high dosage by mouth.

IV therapy can help you both before and after your procedure. The solution can be customized to meet your specific health needs. Regardless of which vitamins, minerals, and amino acids go into your drip, they’ll be added to a sterile saline solution that will instantly boost your hydration.

Contact IVMeNow Today to Schedule Your Treatment

Whether you’re planning to get bariatric surgery or you’ve already had the procedure, you’ll need to ensure you get adequate nutrition. IV treatment can give you a fast and efficient boost. Call our experienced and knowledgeable team today to book an appointment or ask questions.

people walking in the woods with a beware of ticks sign

Get Relief from Symptoms of Lyme Disease with IV Therapy

Lyme Disease is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. It is transmitted to humans by black-legged ticks. If you visited a wooded or grassy area in warm, humid Florida, an infected tick may have unknowingly attached itself to you. Symptoms of Lyme Disease include headache, fever, fatigue, and a rash known as erythema migraines. If the condition goes untreated, the joints, heart, and nervous system can become infected.

A few weeks of antibiotics can usually treat Lyme Disease. But some people experience fatigue and muscle aches for months after. IV therapy is especially helpful for people with chronic symptoms. Boosting the amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in your body can bring relief and help you to recover faster.

People with Lyme Disease are often very fatigued, and they may experience flu-like symptoms three to 30 days after being bitten. If they don’t get treatment, pain, heart palpations, dizziness, and facial palsy can develop. Not only does IV therapy provide instant hydration but it provides the nutrients patients are often lacking.  If you have Lyme Disease, you may benefit from vitamin B6, vitamin B12, Vitamin C, glutathione, and magnesium. An NAD IV drip can also prove to be helpful.

Why Not Just Take Oral Supplements?

Often, when people aren’t feeling their best, they take an oral multivitamin. There’s nothing wrong with this. However, if you’re trying to fight illness, you may need a much higher dose than you can reasonably take orally. Also, when supplements pass through the digestive system, the body doesn’t absorb the full amount. IV hydration treatment ensures that your cells get access to 100 percent of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants delivered via the drip. IV therapy can reduce inflammation, boost your immune response, and lower oxidative stress.

Contact IVMeNow Today to Get the Help You Need

Lyme Disease can make it very difficult to carry out your regular daily activities. Working, playing with your kids, or simply taking a walk may be painful and exhausting. Antibiotics will bring the infection under control, but they won’t provide the vital nutrients you need to help you fight the illness and get back on your feet. If you want to live your best life again, call IVMeNow and ask about our South Florida mobile service. Treatment is delivered by highly trained personnel and it’s tailored to your needs. Book your appointment today!

woman drinking from her water bottle

I’m a Runner. Can Hydration Therapy Help Me to Improve My Performance?

Hydration therapy is crucial for athletes. When you have enough fluids in your body, you’ll perform better. Your muscles will work more efficiently, and you can stave off headaches, fatigue, and muscle cramps.

There is no doubt that you have seen traditional water stations that accompany endurance races. However, you may not have realized that some events also have IV therapy stations set up. This is not surprising since hydration therapy provides several benefits. For example, it allows for fluids and electrolytes to be delivered directly into the bloodstream. When you consider that you can only drink so much before you begin to feel unwell, you’ll see how beneficial this type of treatment is.

Why Hydration Therapy is So Important

Running long distances causes changes in the body. Blood gets redirected from the digestive system to the muscles, while water and electrolytes excrete through sweat. When you push your muscles to their limits, you cause slight damage to the tissues and cells. With prolonged activity, the body will release the stress hormone cortisol, which can affect the immune system. Normal kidney function can also be reduced because of the lack of fluids and the limited blood flow to your organs. Also, you’ll feel inflammation and soreness as your muscle tissues begin to heal.

You must hydrate before, during, and after your event. This helps to limit the issues we discussed above. However, if you drink too much, you run the risk of throwing up because the digestive system loses the ability to process food and liquids properly. So how do you get the hydration and nutrients you need? IV therapy is faster and more effective than drinking water. It provides fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients without requiring your kidneys or digestive system to work harder.

Of course, you don’t only focus on the big event. You spend a good deal of time training. Hydration therapy can also be used during your preparations to ensure you don’t suffer the effects of dehydration while you’re going through your paces. Many athletes find that hydration therapy helps them to perform better for longer periods.

Contact IVMeNow to Learn About Our Hydration Therapy Services in South Florida

If you’re a runner or any other type of athlete, you can likely benefit from IV therapy. The sterile saline solution can be customized according to your needs to ensure you get exactly what you need. Call us to book an appointment or ask questions about our mobile service.

vitamin b12 pills spelling out B12

Vitamin B12 Supplementation Via IV Hydration Treatment

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in promoting good health. However, since it is a water-soluble vitamin, your body doesn’t store it. This means you must consume vitamin B12 regularly to ensure you’re getting enough. While there are multiple sources of B12, many people find IV hydration treatment to be effective. This vitamin helps with several of the body’s functions. It:

  • Supports a healthy immune system
  • Regulates mood
  • Reduces anxiety and depression
  • Assists in the creation of red blood cells
  • Helps to maintain normal energy levels
  • Support neurological function

If you don’t get enough vitamin B12 over a long period, you’ll become deficient. Most people can get adequate amount by eating a normal healthy diet. However, about 15 percent of the population has a vitamin B12 deficiency.

In many cases, this is because individuals have medical conditions that prevent proper absorption or they’re taking medication that has this effect. Vegans, vegetarians, and elderly people are most likely to develop a deficiency.  Also, people who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery may not be able to absorb vitamin B12 from the foods they eat.

Identifying and Treating a Vitamin B12 Deficiency

If your body is seriously lacking vitamin B12, you may experience:

  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Confusion
  • Dementia
  • Poor memory
  • Challenges with balance
  • Soreness of the tongue or mouth

There are three ways to supplement the B12 you get from food. These are oral supplements, IV hydration treatment, and vitamin B12 injections. For people whose medical conditions or medications prevent them from absorbing vitamins, IV delivery or shots may be better. When vitamin B12 bypasses the digestive system and goes straight into the bloodstream, it is fully absorbed.

Oral supplements are easy to source and they’re convenient for most people. However, absorption rates vary widely among individuals based on a range of factors including metabolism and gastric emptying time. Even though you may take a high dose, your body may only use a small amount before the remainder is excreted. One advantage of oral supplements is that there’s no risk of developing an infection. If your immune system is compromised, you may want to avoid injections or IV hydration even though the risk of infection is very small.

Meanwhile, IV hydration treatment involves a sterile saline solution that’s blended with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are customized to your needs. The amount that’s delivered in the infusion becomes available to the body immediately and you get the added benefit of hydration. These treatments typically take less than an hour and they can also flush out free radicals.

B12 shots are more effective than oral supplements and they can be administered faster than an IV infusion. People who need a quick boost during a busy day may opt for this type of treatment. The vitamin goes directly into the blood once again but there are no added benefits like hydration or detoxification.

Get IV Therapy or Vitamin B12 Shots from IVMeNow

Whether you want a B12 IV drip or injectable vitamins, our team in South Florida can help you. Call us today to book our mobile IV service or ask questions about all the products we offer.

two women hugging feeling healthy and hydrated

Make Your Skin Glow from Within with IV Hydration Therapy

If your skin has seen better days, you may be tempted to purchase the latest serum or moisturizer. While products or procedures can make a big difference in the appearance of your skin, you need to know that your skin is largely a reflection of your internal health. If you’re fighting acne, dullness or redness, you need to take a look at what you’re consuming. If your diet is packed with processed foods and sweets and devoid of nutrients, it’s no wonder your largest organ is struggling. Since most people don’t drink enough water, dehydration could be making things even worse. Gradually improving your diet will take time but IV hydration therapy can give you a quick boost in fluids, vitamins and nutrients. There are three powerful ingredients that can be included in your IV drip to give you a healthy, glowing complexion.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is popular because it plays such an important role in health and wellbeing. Diet, lifestyle, and environment can increase the level of oxidative stress the body has to deal with. Cells begin to deteriorate and this is linked to wrinkles and other signs of aging. When you boost your vitamin C levels via IV, you’ll get a concentrated dose of antioxidants.  Vitamin C also plays a major role in the production of collagen which helps to keep skin firm. Since there’s a limit to how Vitamin C you can take by mouth, it’s a good idea to supplement with IV hydration therapy.


Glutathione is another important antioxidant that has wide application in the medical community. Outside of being used to treat serious illnesses, it has been known to increase skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles. If you’re dealing with eczema or dryness, it can also help to improve the appearance of your skin. You may benefit from a smoother texture and a more even tone. The body only produces small amounts of glutathione. You can get it from garlic, onion, kale broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts but the most effective way to increase your intake is via IV therapy.


Zinc is a trace mineral and it helps to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. It’s also necessary for the repair of skin tissue. In addition, zinc is involved in the skin’s production of oil and zinc deficiency has been linked to breakouts. If you’ve been struggling with acne, you may benefit from an infusion of zinc and other nutrients.

Contact IVMeNow to Learn About Your IV Hydration Therapy Options

If you want your skin to look and feel better, contact us today and ask about our IV hydration therapy options. We offer a mobile service throughout South Florida.

a plate with crime scene do not cross tape over it

Can IV Hydration Treatment Help Me Recover from Food Poisoning?

Food poisoning is one of the most unpleasant illnesses you can develop. Not only does it result in highly uncomfortable symptoms, but it can lead to serious complications. While it starts out simple enough with queasiness, more intensive symptoms develop quickly. People are usually willing to try anything to help them feel better. If you’re dealing with a bout of food poisoning and you want to try a different way to get relief, you should consider IV hydration treatment.

There are more than 250 foodborne diseases, and most are caused by bacteria, viruses, and parasites. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the germs that cause the most illnesses in the United States are:

  • Salmonella
  • Norovirus
  • Staphylococcus aureus (Staph)
  • Clostridium perfringens
  • Campylobacter

 Symptoms of Food Poisoning

When your immune system detects a harmful bacteria, virus or parasite, it will attack it. This is what causes the symptoms you’ll experience such as:

  • Stomach cramps
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever

These are the most common symptoms and they can range from mild to severe. They may develop hours or days after you eat or drink the contaminated item.

Even though these symptoms are unpleasant, one of the biggest problems you’ll face is dehydration caused by excessive vomiting and diarrhea. Since every part of your body needs water to function adequately dehydration can compound your symptoms. You may feel dizzy or lightheaded and your cognitive function can diminish. If you have food poisoning, you need to rehydrate as soon as possible.

If you experience severe symptoms, you must see a doctor. These symptoms include:

  • Bloody stool
  • Tingling in the arms
  • A fever above 102 °F
  • Frequent vomiting that prevents you from keeping down liquids
  • Diarrhea that lasts for more than three days
  • Dizziness or blurred vision

Boost Your Fluid Intake with IV Hydration Treatment

If you can’t keep anything down, you won’t be able to drink lots of fluids. That’s where IV treatment comes in. Getting hooked up to an IV drip containing a sterile saline solution and much-needed vitamins and minerals is much more effective and efficient. Since the solution goes directly into your bloodstream, you will feel the benefits almost immediately. Anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory ingredients can also be included in the IV solution.

Contact IVMeNow for Fast Relief from Symptoms of Food Poisoning

Call us and talk to one of our knowledgeable team members about getting IV therapy. There’s no need to leave where you are when you’re feeling dreadful. We offer a convenient mobile service throughout South Florida so we can visit you at your home, office or hotel. Book your treatment today.

caution sign that says allergy season ahead

Can IV Therapy Bring Me Relief from Allergies?

No matter the time of year, you may be struggling with allergies in South Florida. That’s because various flowers and trees are always in bloom and mold thrives in damp, humid conditions. Smoke, pet hair, food, and insect bites can also result in allergic reactions. Allergies are annoying, uncomfortable, and even debilitating when they’re severe. Nothing can cure them. However, IV therapy can help to reduce inflammation and improve the body’s ability to get rid of the histamines that cause symptoms.

Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance like dander or pollen. The immune system produces antibodies that classify an allergen as harmful even though it’s not inherently dangerous. When you are exposed to the allergen, inflammation results. Depending on the substance and the part of the body it affects, symptoms may present on your skin, in your sinuses or in your digestive system.

How IV Therapy Can Make Things Better

Allergy sufferers often turn to prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and home remedies to find relief. You may have tried all these things. However, you may not have considered IV hydration therapy. There are several reasons why you should give this treatment a try.

First, you’ll get instant hydration thanks to the saline solution. Flooding your system with fluids will help your body to get rid of the allergens and also prevent the release of high levels of histamines. While drinking water will be helpful, IV therapy is a faster and more efficient way to boost hydration. The fluids go directly into the bloodstream and bypass the digestive system.

If you’re dealing with allergies, your IV solution should include vitamin C. This antioxidant reduces the severity of allergic reactions and reduces histamine production. While you should eat foods rich in vitamin C, IV therapy ensures a higher dose is available to your body almost immediately.

Another ingredient you may want to include in your treatment is glutathione. This is an antioxidant that plays a major role in helping the liver break down toxins and chemicals. Glutathione can help to eliminate excess histamines in the body. However, it is often found in lower quantities in people who have seasonal allergies.

Contact IVMeNow to Get Personalized IV Therapy

Allergies don’t have to ruin your life. IV treatment can help to reduce your symptoms and boost your energy so you can get back to your daily life. We offer a mobile service throughout South Florida so call us today to ask questions or schedule an appointment.

a platter of foods that are high in Zinc

Get the Benefits of Zinc via IV Hydration Therapy

Zinc is an important trace mineral that’s found in cells throughout the body. Your bones, tissues, organs, and bodily fluids all rely on it. Zinc supports the function of the immune system and is necessary for cell division, cell growth, carbohydrate breakdown, and wound healing. This key nutrient also has a role to play in thyroid function and blood clotting.

Zinc is typically absorbed through the digestive system from foods like pork, beef, chicken, nuts, and lentils. At the same, it plays a critical role in digestion. If you have poor digestive health because of a condition like leaky gut syndrome or celiac disease, you may have low zinc levels even if you consume enough. Low zinc can result in a compound issue since the body requires zinc to digest food in order to get the zinc it needs. You can see how this would make it difficult to benefit from zinc-rich foods or even oral supplements.

Fortunately, IV hydration therapy bypasses the digestive symptoms. It delivers zinc and other nutrients directly into the blood. Regardless of your level of digestion, you’ll get an immediate improvement in your zinc levels.

Signs of Low Zinc

If your zinc levels are low, you may experience:

  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Wounds that take a long time to heal
  • Digestive problems
  • Low libido
  • Infertility
  • PMS
  • Brain fog
  • Poor concentration
  • Cravings

IV hydration therapy can play a big role in ensuring your zinc levels are adequate.

How Zinc IV Therapy Can Help You

Getting a concentrated dose of zinc can provide several benefits. These include:

  • A stronger immune system. A zinc deficiency will quickly weaken your T-cells – the defenders that recognize infection and multiply to fight it off. When these cells can’t do their jobs effectively, you’ll be more prone to illness.
  • Improved brain function. Large amounts of zinc are found in the hippocampus – the area of the brain that controls learning and memory. Zinc also works with vitamin B6 to ensure the brain’s neurotransmitters are working properly. When you get IV therapy that includes zinc, you may help to boost your mental functioning.
  • Enhanced athletic performance. If you want to build strength and improve your physical performance, you need to ensure you consume enough zinc. That’s because zinc assists in the production of several hormones including testosterone and growth hormones. Zinc can also improve recovery from strenuous exercise.

Contact IVMeNow to Learn More

If you think you could benefit from a direct infusion of zinc or you’re curious about IV therapy, reach out to IVMeNow today. We offer a convenient mobile service throughout South Florida so we can treat you at your home, office or hotel. Call us and learn how we can help you.

a platter with foods that contain magnesium

The Role of Magnesium in the Body and How You Can Get It Via IV Therapy

The body needs magnesium to support over 300 biochemical reactions. Not only does this mineral help to ensure that your nerves and muscles function adequately, but it supports your immune system, heart, and bones. Magnesium also assists with the production of protein and energy. Plus, it keeps blood glucose levels in check. Researchers also believe magnesium may help to prevent and manage diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. You can get magnesium from your food but an additional way to ensure you get enough is through the Myer’s Cocktail, a well-known IV therapy solution. Lack of magnesium most likely occurs in older people, individuals with Type 2 diabetes, those with gastrointestinal disease, and those who abuse alcohol.

If you don’t consume or absorb enough magnesium, in the early stages you may experience, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, and loss of appetite. Moderate deficiency usually results in numbness, tingling, seizures, abnormal heart rhythms, personality changes, and muscle cramps. Severe deficiencies cause low blood calcium and low blood potassium. Let’s look at how the Myer’s Cocktail IV hydration treatment works.

The Myer’s Cocktail Explained

This cocktail was around for decades. It is made up of a sterile saline solution, vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and magnesium. If you choose to get your magnesium this way, you’ll also get increased hydration and the benefit of these additional vitamins. Vitamin C boosts immunity, improves the absorption of iron, and lowers risk factors for heart disease. Vitamin B12 regulates energy and mood and helps to support the health of the eyes, brain, blood, and bones.

While these vitamins are most often oral supplements, IV hydration therapy ensures they go straight into the bloodstream. Otherwise, they would have to go through the digestive system. Then the full dosage wouldn’t be absorbed. IV therapy is fast, efficient, and effective.

Reach out to IVMeNow to Learn About the IV Therapy Treatments We Offer

If interested in including magnesium in your IV hydration therapy solution, reach out to our team today. The procedure is painless. We offer a mobile service throughout South Florida. Our licensed nurses perform a medical screening before we administer treatment so we can ensure you get the fluids and nutrients you need. IV therapy is most effective if you get regular treatments. Schedule an appointment today or call us to ask questions.