woman holding two oranges up to her head

Will A Vitamin C Drip Boost My Immune System?

If you’ve been looking for vitamin C supplements in the pharmacy or supermarket recently, you may have noticed they were in short supply. Because of the alarming coronavirus pandemic, many people have been purchasing vitamin C in the hope that it will give them a stronger immune system. Vitamin C plays a vital role in the human body. It’s involved in several biochemical processes and many are related to immune health.

However, many people don’t know that only about 18 percent of the vitamin C they take orally makes it into the bloodstream. People who have digestive problems or those on certain medications may absorb even less. That’s why one of the best ways to supply your body with this important nutrients is to get a high-dose vitamin C drip.

Taking Vitamin C Orally vs. Intravenously

It is recommended that the average person get 90 milligrams of vitamin C daily. However, breastfeeding women should take in an additional 30 mg and smokers require an extra 35 mg. Most people can get adequate amounts of vitamin C by eating various fruits and vegetables. Just one medium-sized orange provides 77 percent of the recommended daily value. However, there are times when you may need a higher dose than you can take orally.

When you get vitamin C via intravenous therapy, the full dosage is immediately available to your body. High-dose vitamin C can be helpful if you’re trying to fight a viral or bacterial infection, dealing with excess fatigue or under increased stress. Stress can wear down the immune system and make you more vulnerable to certain types of illnesses.

How Vitamin C Supports the Immune System

Vitamin C affects immune function in several ways. For example, it can decrease inflammation in the body, and this can make your immune system work better. Vitamin C also boosts collagen production. Contrary to what you may think, collagen doesn’t only affect the look and feel of your skin. It also helps the skin to perform its barrier function and keep out harmful compounds. Vitamin C also promotes activity among phagocytes which are immune cells that get rid of harmful bacteria. At the same time, it supports the growth and of lymphocytes. These are immune cells that increase the antibodies in your blood.

Contact IVMeNow to Learn if Vitamin Therapy is Right for You

If you want to give your immune system additional support, vitamin therapy may be just the thing you need. IV therapy may not prevent you from getting the cold or flu but it may help to speed up your recovery. Call IVMeNow today to discuss how we can help you. We serve all of South Florida.

vitamin pouch with fruits inside

What Are the Benefits of the Myers Cocktail?

If you’ve heard of intravenous therapy, you’ve likely heard of the Myers Cocktail. Decades before IV therapy became so readily available outside of hospital settings, this cocktail treated people suffering from a range of conditions. The main ingredients in the Myers Cocktail are vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and magnesium, which is delivered by a sterile saline solution.

How Does The Meyers Cocktail Work?

Vitamin B12 provides brain, blood, bones, and eye health, as well as the regulation of mood and energy levels. Meanwhile, vitamin C helps to boost immunity, support iron absorption, and reduce risk factors associated with heart disease. Magnesium regulates blood pressure, supports the immune system, and helps with nerve and muscle function.

Intravenous nutrient therapy allows for high doses of these ingredients to be delivered straight into the bloodstream. The Myers Cocktail has been used to treat asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, and other long-term conditions. There have also been positive reports about its ability to relieve fatigue, migraines, and upper respiratory tract infections. Let’s look at some of the benefits in greater detail.

A Healthier Circulatory System

Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C can reduce risk factors for high blood pressure and other cardiovascular illnesses. These vitamins work together to improve heart health. Vitamin C can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body, and cholesterol is a significant risk factor for heart disease.

Improved Nerve Health

Some people who have fibromyalgia also find the Myers Cocktail helpful. That’s likely because Vitamin B12 and magnesium play a major role in nerve health. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 can lead to nerve damage that causes fibromyalgia.

Greater Ability to Beat Colds and Flus

Many people get the Myers Cocktail because they want to improve their immunity or stop getting the cold or flu so frequently. The high dose of Vitamin C in the vitamin drip is responsible for this benefit.

Disease Prevention

Vitamin C fights free radicals which are responsible for cellular damage and a variety of diseases. When you have low levels of free radicals in your body, your general health improves, and you contract diseases.

Improved Memory

Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C deficiencies can cause poor memory. Even in people who don’t have deficiencies, low vitamin levels can affect recall. The brain naturally loses neurons with age, but the process can slow down. Regular treatments with the Myers Cocktail can ensure your brain cells remain healthy.

Get the Benefits of the Myers Cocktail in Your Home or Office

If you get frequent colds, struggle with chronic illness, or simply want to boost your energy levels, you may benefit from the Myers Cocktail. IVMeNow can visit you wherever you are in South Florida and administer the treatment. Contact us today to book an appointment or ask questions.

vitamin c platter of fruits and vegetables

The Benefits of Getting A Vitamin C Drip

You may associate vitamin C with getting over the cold, but it can help with several health issues. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that plays a role in many of the body’s processes. It helps with wound healing; promotes the absorption of calcium; maintains cartilage, bones, and teeth; and boosts the immune system. Vitamin C deficiency, which causes scurvy isn’t common in the United States, but inadequacy is more common.

If you have a vitamin C inadequacy, you may experience swollen gums, depression, weakness, and fatigue. Despite the importance of this antioxidant vitamin, it is not naturally produced by the body. You, therefore, need to get it from food or dietary supplements. Most people get enough vitamin C. However, those who have problems with absorption or don’t eat a variety of fruits and vegetables may develop a mild deficiency. One way to increase your Vitamin C levels quickly is to get a Vitamin C drip.

Benefits of Vitamin Therapy Services in South Florida

You’ve probably been advised to increase your intake of vitamin C to prevent the flu or speed up your recovery. That’s because when you’re ill, your body produces increased numbers of free radicals. These molecules cause cell damage. While your body will get rid of them over time, antioxidants like vitamin C speed up the process.

It’s easy to get vitamin C supplements from the pharmacy so you may be wondering why you should consider getting professional vitamin therapy services in South Florida. The answer is simple. When you take oral supplements, they have to go through the digestive system before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream. This means your body doesn’t get to use the full amount that you consume.

In contrast, when you get IV therapy, the solution containing vitamin C and other nutrients is delivered directly into your bloodstream. The entire dose becomes available to your body and your cells get immediate access. Not only do you benefit from a high dose of vitamin C, but you get a hydrating saline solution that assists in getting rid of toxins.

A vitamin C drip can:

  • Help to reduce the risk of cold and flu
  • Improve wound healing
  • Assist in recovery from illness
  • Help your body to absorb iron
  • Prevent or delay cardiovascular illness
  • Assist in the treatment of cancer

Reach Out to IVMeNow Today!

If you believe you could benefit from a Vitamin C drip, we can bring our mobile service to your home, hotel or office. Treatment is fast, convenient, and painless and you can get a personalized cocktail of ingredients. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or ask questions about our services.

woman with blonde curled hair

How Vitamin Therapy Can Boost Your Hair, Skin, and Nails

There are many supplements and products out there which are designed to improve your hair, skin, and nails. While you can purchase cleansers, creams, oils, and pills, you may also want to consider including intravenous vitamin therapy as part of your strategy. IV therapy is a lot more efficient than oral or topical products. It ensures that vitamins get delivered directly into your bloodstream. Getting nutrients in this way can make a major difference in the health of your hair, skin, and nails. Let’s look at some of the ways it can do so.

You Can Get a Boost in Biotin

Biotin or vitamin B7 is a B-complex vitamin that can make your hair, nails, and skin stronger and more beautiful. Biotin improves the cellular structure of keratin, which is the basic protein that makes up these parts of your body. Vitamin B7 also helps to ensure your thyroid is functioning properly.

A biotin deficiency can lead to a range of symptoms including:

  • Dry skin
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Thinning or splitting hair
  • Irritated skin
  • Dermatitis

Your Hydration Will Improve Immediately

When you get vitamin therapy, you also get a major hydration boost and this can improve the functioning of all your body’s systems. Without adequate fluids, you’ll likely experience dry skin, dry scalp and hair loss. Topical products can only do so much if your body is dehydrated. While you should drink adequate amounts of water daily, IV therapy will increase the amount of water in your body immediately.

You’ll Benefit from Antioxidants

Your vitamin therapy solution can include antioxidants like Vitamin C. Antioxidants improve your appearance removing free radicals from your body. Free radicals are molecules that can contribute to cell damage. When you get an infusion of antioxidants in your bloodstream, your cellular function can improve, and the damage caused by free radicals can be halted.

It Boosts Collagen Production

Collagen plays a major role in maintaining strong cells and healthy tissue. Vitamin therapy promotes the production of collagen by increasing the amount of vitamin C in your body. Collagen helps to reduce wrinkles and it can make your skin look much younger.

Improve the Condition of Your Hair, Nails, and Skin with Treatment from IVMeNow

If you’re ready to improve your health and appearance, book an appointment today. Our mobile hydration therapy service is hassle-free and painless. You can relax in the comfort of your home or office and have your treatment administered by a trained professional. Contact IVMenow today.

woman holding paper over her face with a smile on it

Exploring the Benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy

The human body can handle a lot. However, if it doesn’t get the vitamins and nutrients it needs, unpleasant and unwanted symptoms can begin to appear. If you are vitamin deficient, you may experience fatigue, sleep problems, headaches, reduced cognitive function, and impaired physical performance.

Luckily, intravenous IV vitamin therapy can provide your body with what it needs. When you boost your nutrient intake, your symptoms will decrease or even go away. You may think IV treatment is only for celebrities but that’s far from true. Everyone can benefit from increased hydration and more efficient nutrient intake from iv vitamin therapy.

Benefits of IV Vitamin Therapy Services

Vitamin deficiencies vary among individuals. Your IV treatment should, therefore, be tailored to your needs. Various cocktails have been developed to treat specific problems but Vitamin C, Vitamin B12, and B-complex are common ingredients. When you get the right treatment, it can improve your quality of life significantly. IV Vitamin therapy can:

  • Reduce signs of aging
  • Ward off a cold or flu
  • Increase energy
  • Promote weight loss
  • Improve sleep and mood
  • Boost cognitive function
  • Improve physical performance

Some people begin feeling better within minutes of completing treatment.

Why Vitamin Therapy is So Effective

You may be wondering if taking a multivitamin supplement or changing your diet will bring about similar results. The reality is that nothing works as quickly as IV Vitamin therapy. When foods and liquids pass through your digestive system, before they can be absorbed into your bloodstream and transported around your body they must break down. Not only does it take time for this process to occur, but your body doesn’t absorb all the vitamins you consume.

Since IV treatments are delivered directly into the bloodstream, the vitamins don’t have to go through the digestive tract. You get the key nutrients you need without having to wait on the digestive process. You still need to eat healthy meals and take care of yourself, but vitamin therapy gives you an additional boost.

Get Vitamin Therapy Services in South Florida

If you’ve been dealing with symptoms of vitamin or nutrient deficiency, reach out to IVMeNow to get the help you need. We will carry out a medical screening prior to treatment to ensure we know exactly what we’re dealing with. You’ll get a personalized cocktail of vitamins and nutrients which will help to improve your health and wellbeing. Treatment is administered by highly trained nurses who will come to you wherever you are in South Florida. Contact us today to book an appointment or ask questions.