man giving himself an intramuscular injection

How To Give Yourself an Intramuscular Injection

Injections may sound scary, and even scarier when you’re doing it on your own. On the contrary, learning how to give intramuscular injections can be very simple.

So, what’s an intramuscular injection? It is where you place a needle into the muscle underneath the skin, delivering a small dose of medicine. These types of injections are used to manage or help a variety of health issues.

They can aid in managing health problems like:

  • Immune disorders
  • Infections
  • Low B-12 Levels

And more…

Types of intramuscular injections

Although these types of medicines normally come as a liquid, some medicines used in intramuscular injections come in different forms. Your doctor may prescribe a powder medication that needs to be mixed with a liquid like saline or distilled water before you can use it.

If your medicine comes as a liquid and needs to be stored in a cool place like the refrigerator, it’s recommended that you allow the medication to come up to room temperature before you inject it. If the medicine is cold, the injection might feel less pleasant.

Your medicine may not always come with a syringe. There are different devices your doctor may have you use for different medications. Your intramuscular injection device can be:

  • Autoinjectors, or pens
  • A regular syringe already filled with medicine
  • Vials to withdrawal the medicine you need

Step by Step On How To Give Yourself An Intramuscular Injection

The process for administering an intramuscular injection is close to the same process for administering subcutaneous injections. The differences lie in injection sites on the body, and the angle in which the injection is administered. You can administer an intramuscular injection in your deltoid muscle, upper thigh, or outer hip. These are the most common. Below is a diagram highlighting some of the differences between intramuscular injections and subcutaneous injections:
subcutaneous vs intramuscular injections

For the complete step-by-step guide to administering injections, check out the article on giving yourself a subcutaneous injection or this video for a step-by-step of instructions.

Just remember, these instructions provided are not a substitute for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider. Medications can be obtained from multiple manufacturers, because of the various options it is likely that your medication or device might not look or operate exactly the same.

Looking for more information on intramuscular injections? Call IV ME NOW in South Florida!

Although intramuscular injections can feel frightening, they are not difficult. As long as you follow these steps, they are simple and easy for managing any health concerns.

Talk to IV ME NOW for more information or visit our wellness shop to get started!

woman giving herself a subcutaneous injection

What Are Subcutaneous Injections?

Injections may sound scary especially when you’re doing it on your own. But learning how to give a subcutaneous injection can be very simple.

So, what is a subcutaneous injection? Subcutaneous means below the skin. This is where a small needle is inserted into fatty tissue just below the skin, delivering a prescribed dose of medicine. These types of injections are used to manage or help a variety of health issues, for example:

  • Diabetes
  • Anemia
  • Blood clotting

IV ME NOW offers a number of injectable vitamins and products,  and with those products, a pack of syringes can also be purchased. Some of those are recommended to be administered subcutaneously and others of which are offered with the option of purchasing subcutaneous or intramuscular syringes.

Types Of Subcutaneous Injections

Just like with intramuscular injections, these types of medicines normally come in liquid form. However, your doctor may prescribe a powder medication instead. These powder medicines need to be mixed with a liquid like saline or distilled water before you can use it.

If your medicine comes as a liquid and needs to be stored in a cool place like the refrigerator, it is recommended that you allow the medication to come up to room temperature before you inject it. If the medicine is cold, the injection might feel more unpleasant.

The device used to inject your medicine may not always be an empty syringe. There are different devices your doctor may have you use for different medications. Your subcutaneous injection device can be:

  • Autoinjectors, or pens
  • A syringe already filled with your dose of medicine
  • Or, vials to withdrawal the medicine dose you need with a syringe

Step by step on how to give yourself a subcutaneous injection

  1. Wash your hands with soap and warm water
  2. Make sure you have everything you need:
    1. Alcohol pads
    2. Disposable syringe
    3. Medicine
    4. Cotton balls
    5. Adhesive bandages
    6. A safe place to throw away the syringe
  3. Choose a place to inject the medication. Subcutaneous injections can be administered in several places on the body: (Note: It’s important to avoid giving yourself an injection in the same spot every time. Also try to avoid injecting your medicine in areas that are bruised, tender or scarred.)
    1. Upper arm
    2. Upper thigh
    3. Outer hip
    4. Abdomen
  4. Double check the expiration date on the medicine
  5. Pop off the top of the vial
  6. Wipe the top of the vial with an alcohol pad and allow the alcohol to dry
  7. Prepare the area for injection by wiping it with another alcohol pad and allowing it to dry
  8. Prepare the syringe (which is made up of three different parts)
    1. Plunger
    2. Barrel
    3. Needle
  9. Check the markings on the side of the barrel to measure for the right dose (your doctor/nurse/pharmacist will help you understand how to read the dosage markings you have). They could be labeled in:
    1. Milliliters
    2. Units (normally marked Units for insulin syringes)
  10. When you’re ready, open the package that contains the syringe
  11. Then, open the package that contains the needle and screw it on to the syringe
  12. Draw air into the syringe by pulling the plunger back to the correct dosage
  13. Now, uncap the syringe and set the cap to the side
  14. Inject the needle into the vial
  15. Flip the needle and vial over slowly pushing the plunger all the way in and making sure the needle is below the surface of the medicine (this decreases the chances of developing bubbles in the barrel of the syringe)
  16. Slowly pull the plunger back down, continue drawing the medicine into the barrel until it contains the correct dose (if you notice any large air bubbles, you need to remove them. Push the plunger in again – sending the medicine back into the vial and start over)
  17. To give the injection – point the needle directly towards the skin
  18. Pinch the skin between the thumb and forefinger, on your abdomen for example
  19. With a smooth motion, inject the needle through the skin between the skin and muscle below
  20. Once it’s in, shift your thumb to the plunger and slowly push the plunger all the way in – count to 3 to make sure the syringe is completely empty
  21. Set the needle aside
  22. You may need a cotton ball and an adhesive bandage for any bleeding
  23. Do not try to recap the needle
  24. Insert the used needle into a sharps container (if you don’t have a ready-made sharps container, you can make one with a jar or bottle with a screw-on cap. For example: a used detergent bottle labeled “Danger: Used Needles”)
  25. Keep the container in a safe place
  26. If your medicine is in a single dose vial, discard it
  27. If it’s a multi-dose vial, you can leave it uncapped and put it back in the refrigerator
  28. Everything else gets thrown away normally

Simple and easy!

For more information, here is a step-by-step video with these instructions:

Just remember, these instructions provided are not a substitute for professional medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider. Medications can be obtained from multiple manufacturers, because of the various options it is likely that your medication or device might not look or operate exactly the same.

Looking for more information on subcutaneous injections? Call IV ME NOW!

Although subcutaneous injections can seem frightening, they are not difficult to administer. As long as you follow these steps, you shouldn’t have a hard time with your subcutaneous injections.

Talk to IV ME NOW for more information, request an appointment online!

weight loss iv therapy

The Best Reasons to Use Weight Loss IV Therapy

Do you feel like you’re constantly having issues with weight loss? You eat a balanced diet, find time to exercise and yet, not much is changing? Maybe you hit a plateau? Maybe all you feel like you need is a boost! We have an answer: weight loss IV drip therapy. It may be the boost you’re looking for.

There are several reasons why weight loss can become more difficult. That’s because there are many factors that can affect our results. Busy days and low energy, hormonal imbalances, sleep deprivation, etc. can all be contributing factors that mitigate weight loss.

Weight loss IV drip therapy can be an essential tool in aiding in your weight loss goals.

Here we’ll discuss some of the best reasons to use IV therapy for weight loss. It is naturally formulated to aid the body in breaking down fat and utilize it for energy. When the body has all the tools it needs to burn fat efficiently, it works better and helps us lose weight more easily.

Here are a few reasons to give your metabolism a boost with weight loss IV drip therapy.

Maintaining, optimizing, and restoring energy levels

When looking to lose weight, the first aspect to figure out is how you can lower your caloric intake. This means you’re taking in fewer calories than you’re burning, which usually leads to fat burn and ultimately, weight loss. However, consuming lower quantities of food usually comes with a dip in energy levels.

IV therapies often provide a huge dose of electrolytes to help you feel energized much faster.

When you’re feeling more fatigued, it’s much easier to consistently fall back into bad food habits and make it harder to lose weight.

Some IV fluids contain a B-complex component that is significant in supporting the heart and metabolism. B-complexes also help to boost energy and beat that daily sluggishness we sometimes encounter. If you are dealing with a B-vitamin deficiency, you may find that it can be harder to lose weight. Increasing B-complex vitamins can remedy fatigue and make losing weight easier.

Having an efficient metabolism is the goal and it’s the key to keeping weight under control. Even if you once had a fast metabolism, with time and age it will eventually slow down. Our weight loss IV drip therapies can help your body combat this decline with vitamins that help support your body and your goals.

Better sleep

Sleep isn’t just for rest, it’s for recovering and healing the body. This helps to repair any abnormalities our bodies encounter in our daily lives. Vitamin deficiencies can not only hinder your energy levels but also cause irregular sleep. Without proper rest and recovery, sleep deprivation can interfere with hormonal balances and cause you to hold on to the excess fat.
Key vitamins and regular sleep is the body’s secret to thriving daily and operating at its peak. Maximize absorption and feel your best.

Vitamin absorption

It’s unusual for anyone to absorb 100% of what they eat or drink. Most people only absorb 15%-25% of their oral minerals and vitamins. With IV therapy, absorbing the necessary vitamins and minerals to get your body to optimal levels is close to 100%.

When your body has the tools to operate, it helps you work better.

Recovering from workouts

When you’re tired or deal with a full schedule, it can be hard to motivate yourself to stay consistent in a gym routine. Even more so when you’re sore. This means if you could have access to a faster recovery, working out again could feel less daunting.

When your body is under constant strain, any level of deficiencies could be causing quite an inconvenience.

Burning fat

These weight loss IV therapy formulas are designed to help the fat-burning process, also known as lipolysis. They help to break down fat and burn calories much faster.

Muscle Growth

In addition to helping boost your metabolism, weight loss IV therapies also help to prevent fat from depositing and aid in muscle building. Lean muscle is the foundation for a faster metabolism and lower body fat percentage.

Better hydration

We’ve all probably heard it a thousand times: hydration is very important. It’s essential for accelerating the metabolism, using energy, and burning fat. Without the proper amounts of water in your system, your body cannot maintain the necessary energy levels to continue to burn fat. IV therapy can help get the hydration you need to keep your body at its best.

Adrenal boost

IV therapy for weight loss can help you fight adrenal fatigue. Giving your adrenal gland a leg up can help burn more calories than you consume, making weight loss much more attainable and efficient.

Overall, if you’re looking to help boost weight loss, weight loss IV drips can be a wonderful addition to a balanced diet and an active lifestyle. With a little help from a combination of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients formulated to help speed up your metabolism, your weight loss goals can absolutely be attainable.

What Is The Process For Weight Loss IV Therapy?

The process for a weight loss IV therapy drip is fairly simple. A certified professional will schedule a time to go to you — day or night, weekdays or weekends. The at-home weight-loss IV drip therapy is similar to an IV you would get in a doctor’s setting or clinic. They will administer the IV directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the digestion process so you attain 100% absorption of all the nutrients.

While the IV is being administered, you can read, watch television, and relax while being in the comfort of your own home.

How long does it take?

Each treatment can vary. Weight loss IV drip therapies can take anywhere between 30 to 45 minutes. From set up to break down and cleanup, it may take about an hour and a half total.

Can I return to my normal schedule?

It should be noted that you should avoid stressing the puncture site on your arm and avoid intense activity for about 24 hours after your treatment. Ideally, you’ll be able to start vigorous exercise the day after your weight loss IV drip therapy. There is virtually no recovery time and you’ll feel more energized and healthy as a result of your treatment.

Weight Loss IV Tips:

  • Avoid fasting before a treatment
  • Have a meal or snack before starting your treatment
  • Have a few glasses of water to enhance your response to the IV

IV Hydration Therapy is a natural and very low-risk treatment. At IV ME NOW, we pride ourselves on ensuring you receive the highest quality treatment that meets every safety standard while using top-of-the-line equipment.

Considered Weight Loss IV Therapy To Help You Reach Your Goals? Call IV ME NOW!

The IV ME NOW weight loss IV services can help you lose weight quickly and safely to return to a more active lifestyle. If you’re interested to learn more about weight loss IV therapy, visit us at or schedule an appointment!

using nad patches to feel younger and more energized

Using NAD Patches for Anti-Aging

We’re all in the same race against time when it comes to aging. And truth be told, there are thousands of anti-aging, health-boosting, youthful solutions out there. It can be difficult to navigate through them all. Very few products present valid results with research to back it up. One of those solutions are NAD+/NAD patches.

NAD+ patches are fairly new to the market. So here’s a breakdown of what recent science says about how they can help you reach health, anti-aging, and longevity goals.

What is NAD?

NAD is an acronym for Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide. It is essential for numerous aspects of cell function and metabolism. It is also found in all living cells, including our skin. It is one of the many reasons cells can continue to function. Like most things, our NAD levels start to decline as we age. The reductions in NAD+ contribute to aging cells and make us look older.
Also, without the right amount of NAD+ as we age, our cells have a harder time functioning and leave us vulnerable to sickness and disease.
Is there a way to replenish the NAD+ concentrations in the body? Researchers have discovered that we can! They have figured out there are some therapeutic approaches to slowing cellular aging.

What are NAD patches?

NAD patches are exactly what they sound like: wearable patches. These patches are similar to oral supplements in that they’re meant to supplement NAD+. Over the course of several hours, the patch releases a steady dose of NAD+. This isn’t to say that NAD+ cannot be administered through oral supplements and IVs. Patches are just more cost effective and convenient when compared to other methods.

These patches stick to the skin and use iontophoresis to send NAD+ to the blood. Iontophoresis is a medical technique that means components are delivered by a voltage gradient through the skin. This method changes the electric field on the skin in a small area which increases the permeability of the skin. The NAD+ molecules then are delivered more efficiently into your body.

Even in recent clinical trials, science has demonstrated that the addition of NAD+ through supplements like patches does increase the concentrations of NAD+ in our cells overall.

NAD patches help combat the effects of aging

Here are a few ways that higher concentrations of NAD+ can help support wellness for the long-term:

NAD patches help protect the brain

  • Helps control the protein production in the brain
  • Protects against metabolic dysfunction
  • Can help to manage neurological disorders including Parkinson’s, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s
  • Protects against oxidative stress

Maintaining healthy levels of NAD+ is imperative to protect the brain from diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

They lower heart disease risks and blood pressure

  • Helps reverse dysfunction in the arteries
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Increases blood vessel flexibility
  • Could improve cholesterol levels

They help protect your liver

  • High concentrations of NAD can protect your liver from damage
  • NAD has also been shown to repair or reverse liver damage

NAD patches possibly lower risks of cancer

  • High concentrations of NAD+ can help to protect against DNA damage that causes cancer

They support muscle function

  • Can help to improve physical performance in every part of your life
  • Keeps you from gaining weight by suppressing appetite and stress hormones
  • Partially restores strength
  • Partially restores endurance
  • Helps restore muscle function

They help regulate circadian rhythm

  • Reestablishes proper sleep patterns
  • Helps to reestablish sleep after certain sleep disorders, recovering from jet lag, etc.
  • Contributes to maintaining healthy circadian rhythms in the brain

With NAD+ patches, growing older can be done with grace and poise all the while your cells stay healthy.

In fact, according to Scientific American, “Recent research suggests it may be possible to reverse mitochondrial decay with dietary supplements that increase cellular levels of a molecule called NAD.”

How do NAD patches compare to other NAD supplements?

Okay so now you’re convinced NAD+ patches are worth the try! How do you know patches are superior to all other supplement options? Here’s how we compared it to injections or oral supplements:

Potency: the NAD+ patch contains pure NAD. The difference is immediate. There are no additives like flavors or artificial colors.

Convenient and Easy To Use: All you need is the patch, nothing else. Oral supplements are to be taken with water and your body doesn’t absorb the entirety of the supplement as it does with the patches. Injections are highly effective, but they do require a doctor’s appointment, expertise, and additional assistance, such as a nurse to administer the injection. With the patches, all you do is place them on your skin.

Dosage and application: The patch contains a dosage that provides a slow-release all day. You don’t have to worry or think about it. Apply patch daily to an area with little or no hair. It is recommended to wear each patch for 4 hours and 2 per week.

So, there you have it! The NAD+ patches are backed by research and if you’re looking for a way to improve your health, wellness, and youthfulness, this can be it!

The NAD patches are comfortable, easy to use, and entirely convenient. Talk to your doctor about NAD+ patches and what they can do for you.

Consider NAD+ Patches To Increase Your Vitality? Call IV ME NOW To Book An Appointment!

If you feel like age is starting to creep up on you or you’re worried about the risk of chronic and age-related disease, talk to IV ME NOW for more information. To reestablish healthy cell function and overall youthfulness, visit us at or book an appointment online!

woman receiving mobile iv therapy

Why Mobile IV Therapy is Becoming Popular

A mobile IV or mobile clinic is a hydration therapy provider that is entirely portable. It is a self-contained healthcare clinic that can provide individuals with direct care needs right at home. These mobile IV companies must obtain clinic licenses for each location and must be available for inspection.

Why has mobile IV therapy become increasingly popular?

There are several reasons that mobile IVs have become more popular over the years. Whether it’s a convenient dehydration remedy, aids the fight against COVID and other illnesses, or is backed by some of our favorite athletes, we’re here to talk a little more in detail about what’s putting mobile IVs on the map.

When we are sick, whether it be a cold or disease and/or inflammation, our bodies require much higher amounts of nutrients at faster rates to start the healing process. Mobile IVs are given intravenously which helps to accelerate the process of getting nutrients to the blood. Pill supplements rely on the digestion process, which can take much longer, may not be entirely effective, and may result in the loss of necessary nutrients along the way.

IV vitamin injections bypass the entire digestive process and can help to decrease infections, reduce inflammation, and help overall immunity with a more immediate effect.

This makes IV therapy a great alternative. Not just for sickness or disease, but also to combat complications from lack of exercise, stress, difficulties with absorption that may cause malnutrition, etc.

These personalized mobile IVs are powerful enough to offload the burdens on the body’s system. They help to correct volume imbalances, regulate electrolytes, cellular function, and maintain homeostasis.

IV Therapy is also known to help provide lots of benefits when it comes to treating a wide variety of health issues. They’ve been known to assist in treating conditions such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Mild respiratory issues


You can receive these treatments from the privacy and comfort of your home. For that reason, mobile IV therapy has become more popular because of COVID-19. With social distancing requirements, the convenience that a mobile IV provides is not only convenient but safer. This makes mobile IV’s flexible for all patients and their needs without having to have the additional worries of COVID. Let’s look at some of the main reasons why people are turning to mobile IV therapy to address some of their well-being concerns.

Mobile IV Therapy is Fast

Throughout the day, we may start to feel fatigued and energy depleted. Our body normally restocks our essentials through food and vitamin supplements to help refuel. However, the amount of time our body requires for the digestive system to break down food is sometimes not fast enough. It may also be ineffective when it comes to nutrient absorption, if anything is absorbed at all.

Mobile IV therapy can be a solution! IV therapy avoids the digestive process entirely and injects our essential vitamins and nutrients directly into the bloodstream, providing immediate results. The body can then begin to use all resources right away without the risk of losing absorption. This makes mobile IV therapy perfect for people who need resources immediately, and right from their home or office.

Mobile IV Therapy is Convenient

We all know that scheduling an appointment at a doctor’s office can be time consuming. Not just waiting on the phone for the receptionist to answer and schedule you, but the chances you’re waiting weeks to get an appointment are usually much higher. This also means taking the time out from your schedule (work, school, kids, etc.), accounting for traffic, and waiting room times. Mobile IV therapy eliminates these barriers when it comes to scheduling your appointments.

The appointment, waiting room, and technician come directly to you. Maybe you’re on your lunch break? Maybe you don’t feel comfortable leaving your house during COVID-19? Mobile IV therapy allows you to stay healthy on your own time where you’re most comfortable.

It’s An Immunity Booster

Our immune system is vital, especially during COVID. When your body doesn’t have the ability to pull from its resources to keep your immune system in top shape, you become susceptible to colds, flus, and other illnesses. IV therapy gives your body the nutrients it needs and helps boost your immune system. It can also be used when you’re perfectly healthy. Sometimes we don’t know when our immune system is down and keeping mobile IV therapy as an option can mitigate the worry of being susceptible to illnesses.

Overall Benefits of Mobile IV Therapy

Much like oral vitamins, IV therapy can be used for various reasons. Every day, we lean on our physical and mental wellbeing to get through our days. This can take a toll on our sleep schedule, make us feel more fatigued, and leave our bodies vulnerable to sickness. Ever had a hangover? Sure you have! Mobile IV therapy is a great option for you. You’ll experience a faster recovery, feel less fatigued, and rehydrate and replenish your body to feel happy and healthy again.

If our body is depleting our amino acids, vitamins, nutrients, and/or minerals faster than we can replace them, mobile IV therapy is the best way to ensure your body is running at optimal levels.
Some of the additional benefits of IV therapy include:

  • High potency nutrients
  • Cellular repair
  • Better metabolism
  • Immediate results
  • Boosts immune system to avoid illness
  • Improves energy and mood
  • Sharper cognition and brain function
  • Better quality of hair, nails, and skin
  • Quick recovery from physical activity
  • Quick recovery from hangovers
  • Helps with exercise performance
  • Maximizes hydration

To top it off, a mobile IV can take less than an hour and you’re on your way!

Athletes endorse mobile IV therapy

Like most things, some of the popularity stems from celebrities and athletes that believe and advertise their use of IV therapy. It may be an athlete who receives IV therapy because it helps them gain a competitive advantage and allows them to recover faster. Or maybe it’s a celebrity who deals with a heavy schedule and a lot of travel. These things can take a toll on health and wellness, especially for elite athletes and seasoned professionals.

When these athletes receive mobile IV therapy, it helps them maintain peak physical condition and high energy, allowing them to replenish water and nutrients after intense exercise.

If it works for them, it can work for you, too! Intense workouts can take a lot out of us. Coupled with everyday physical activity, work, kids, etc. Sometimes we just need extra replenishment. Mobile IV therapy can come to you, give you a boost and get you feeling great and healthy again.

Want To Know If Mobile IVs Are Right For You? Call IV ME NOW For More Information!

Our personalized IV hydration therapy is what gets us noticed, but it’s our team’s patient care and medical expertise that keeps people coming back.

Our staff excels when it comes to helping you determine the best treatment that’s right for you and then administering the treatment with a gentle touch following best-in-class protocols. Because we’re focused on treating people before they’re ill and keeping people feeling, looking, and performing their best, our patients love using our products and services. We love being surrounded by people who are active participants in their health.

If you’re considering injectable vitamins, or if you’re looking to get started, contact us to schedule an appointment!


weighing options between vitamin pills versus vitamin injections

Are Vitamin Injections Better Than Pills?

We all know vitamins are there to give us a little boost. That boost may be needed when we’re sick, feeling a little extra tired, trying to lose weight, or even to recover from an intense workout. Vitamins are one of the safest ways to help metabolize fat, accelerate metabolism, increase vitamin levels in a deficiency and/or add overall energy. The easiest way to buy vitamins would be through supplemental pills that you can find at any grocery store or pharmacy. But, did you know that you can also receive vitamin injections?

It sounds scarier, so we’re here to provide a little insight on the differences.

Vitamin Injections vs. Vitamin Pills

Most vitamin supplements must be fully digested before your body starts to see any benefit. Unfortunately, not all of the pill gets absorbed. A solid amount of the pill and its nutrients get lost during the process. This is not the case with vitamin injections. All of the vitamins that are injected get utilized by the body because it accesses the bloodstream directly. For the same amount to happen with vitamin supplement pills, you may have to take more than what is recommended daily to see any kind of changes.

It may seem more practical to go with vitamin pills because compared to injections, they are less expensive. The lower price you’re paying for oral supplements is comparable to the amount of the vitamin you actually get because your body is not absorbing 100% of that pill. Paying more for injections means you’re paying for vitamins in higher quantities and with an immediate result. Also, manufactured vitamin supplements are sometimes made with fillers that have no direct benefit for your body.

Unlike vitamin pill supplements, in order to get an injection, you will need a prescription from a doctor. In particular, if you’re using vitamins to aid in weight loss, specifically used to help metabolize proteins, fats, and carbs, the vitamin pills you find in stores will not have a dosage high enough to help. You may need to take more than the daily recommended dose. For any long-term effects, you’re going to be committed to a long-term routine. Vitamin injections are a great infrequent alternative in addition to one-on-one medical help for progress.

Vitamin B Injections

Let us compare pill supplements to the most common vitamin injection on the market today: vitamin B. Vitamin B injection supplements have grown to be one of the most common injections because of how widespread vitamin B deficiencies are. They have become so commonplace for many reasons that some people opt to get them regularly.

Vitamin deficiencies are not so uncommon. You’ll often hear about Vitamin D or Vitamin B deficiencies in many people. There are a vast majority of reasons someone may be dealing with lower vitamin levels. These could be the result of changes such as weight loss surgery or a diet that doesn’t supply the necessary amount of vitamins a person may need. This is especially the case in diets that are vegan or vegetarian. For instance, vitamin B is found in certain food sources like dairy, eggs, meat and poultry. This puts people who have these restrictive diets at a higher risk for deficiencies in vitamin B. Boosting your vitamin B levels with supplemental foods like fortified grains may not have enough of an effect to bring levels up to normal. This is where vitamin B supplements may be necessary.

In cases like weight loss surgery, the way the body absorbs food has now changed. This makes it difficult for the body to retain the vitamins it may need to work optimally. This is parallel to certain conditions like celiac disease. Conditions like Crohn’s and celiac can interfere with absorbing all nutrients.

In cases like weight loss surgery, the way the body absorbs food has now changed. This makes it difficult for the body to retain the vitamins it may need to work optimally. This is parallel to certain conditions like celiac disease. Conditions like Crohn’s and celiac can interfere with absorbing all nutrients.

What Does Vitamin B Deficiencies Look Like?

It’s important to treat vitamin deficiencies like vitamin B. Without treatment, your health can decline and lead to issues such as permanent nerve, sensory, motor damage and metabolizing of the cells.

Symptoms of vitamin B deficiencies can look like:

  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Constipation
  • No appetite
  • Loss of cognition

Why choosing vitamin injections is a good choice

Vitamin pill supplements are most commonly used because they are much easier to obtain. You don’t need to see a doctor for their use like injections. The American Academy of Family Physicians says that vitamin pill supplements are not entirely useful when treating deficiencies like vitamin B.

Because the pill doesn’t always get absorbed by the body fully, the supply is not enough to help restore the body to its correct levels. This especially includes multivitamins, which are not a productive supplementary source of vitamin B.

The necessary amount of micrograms that is needed for supplementation is around 1,000. Vitamin B pills normally range around 250.

Vitamin B injections are considered a quick way to get faster results, especially for people who suffer from severe deficiencies. These fast-acting treatments are not just for the severe cases but also for people who deal with a form of deficiency called pernicious anemia. This means the body cannot produce healthy red blood cells without an efficient amount of vitamin B-12. These are conditions that would lead a patient to get vitamin B-12 treatment injections. Injections would be the only way to ensure the full absorption of the body and lead to recovery from the vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Wrapping up: Vitamin Injections vs. Pills

Research has shown that vitamin pills and injections both have different levels of effectiveness. Both are great ways to deliver vitamins to the body, but we could say that vitamin injections for sure edge out oral supplements. This is not just for the regular person looking for a boost, but it is especially for people who suffer from prevalent vitamin deficiency problems.

It’s also to be noted that in most of this research, a huge percentage of people who start with an oral regime do not stick to it long-term. Sometimes these end in not taking the vitamins at all.

Vitamin injections may seem more pricey but are often seen as less expensive than vitamin pills in the long run. Simply because you’re paying more for the vitamins than you actually absorb. Over a longer course of time, you wind up taking in less and paying more. Vitamin injections are less frequent and less time-consuming overall.

With doctors dedicated to your success, one-on-one and customized plans with certified physicians can lead you to a world of opportunity to function in a more optimal state.

Considering A Boost With Vitamin Injections? Call IV Me Now In South Florida!

To learn more about the various vitamin injections we offer, check out our IV Services on the website! If you’re ready to feel more hydrated and energetic, book your mobile visit with IV ME NOW today!

man feeling energized at sunrise from injectable vitamins

Considering Injectable Vitamins? Here’s What You Should Know

For some people, ingesting vitamins to boost a healthy body is just an everyday maintenance. But, how do you know you’re absorbing the same amount of vitamins you’re paying for? It is difficult to analyze. When it comes down to measuring vitamins and minerals, there’s one thing that is constant: their interactions and absorption rate are really complicated to measure. Everything is dependent on the person’s health conditions, life stage, and other situational variables that play a role in trying to measure the rate of absorption in the body. This makes oral vitamin supplements a complete mystery, and injectable vitamins a great alternative!

When it comes to injectable vitamins, there’s far less guessing. The vitamins get absorbed directly into the bloodstream for a full boost! There are a lot of available injectable vitamins to choose from. Here we’ll touch on some of the most popular vitamins and the benefits they can offer.

Vitamin C Injections

Vitamin C is well known as a booster of many things, namely our immune system! Vitamin C is found in fruits and vegetables like oranges, lemons, and sweet peppers. You’ll also find that they are available in higher concentrations: vitamin pills and injectable vitamins.

Unfortunately, as mentioned before, vitamin C oral supplements have to go through an entire absorption process during digestion. This is where injections skip that step entirely and come into play as the quicker and more effective alternative. Your body will absorb the entirety of the vitamin C injection through the bloodstream as opposed to delivering a smaller dose through vitamin pills or Emergen-C.

For example, injections can deliver up to 25 grams of vitamin C in a dose. In order to come close to the equivalent of that, you would have to take about 5 vitamin pills to hit the same concentration.

With injections, you don’t have to remember to take the necessary pills every day to maintain a long-term health result. Injections are scheduled regularly and ensure consistency.

Vitamin C injections can help benefit:

  • Weight Loss. Vitamin C has the ability to help with weight loss when coupled with a moderate activity level.
  • Immune System. The most commonly known benefit is the help that vitamin C gives when it comes to fighting bacteria, diseases, and illnesses.
  • Energy.  Vitamin C helps the average person feel less fatigued and more energized.
  • Blood Pressure. Vitamin C helps flush the kidneys by lowering the amount of water and sodium in the body. When reducing the fluids in the body by natural excretion, it puts the arterial valve walls in a more relaxed state. This helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and other heart conditions.
  • Inflammation. Vitamin C helps get rid of free radicals, which aids in the fight against inflammation.
  • Hair and Skin. Vitamin C helps skin and hair with increased collagen production and increased iron absorption.

B12 Injectable Vitamins

Vitamin B12 is one of the most popular vitamin injections to date. Vitamin B12 is used throughout the world to help people who are on certain medications, needing help with weight loss, or just looking for a boost in energy! Vitamin B12 is also used for people who have restrictive diets and don’t regularly consume animal by-products. B12 injectable vitamins are a great way to maintain optimal levels of B12 while still abiding by a specific diet regime.

Vitamin B12 injections have also been known to help with:

  • osteoporosis prevention
  • eye health / macular degeneration prevention
  • cardiovascular health
  • improved cognition
  • and a better mood.

It’s most commonly known to help regulate skin, hair, and nails. Imagine getting 10x the concentration of B12 with one injection!

Maybe you would prefer more than one kind of vitamin B injection. Some might consider a vitamin B complex injection. This could be used similarly to vitamin B12 to help boost the metabolism, burn fat, have healthy energy and immunity. These injections can be used regularly, even daily.

D3 Injectable Vitamins

There are two forms of vitamin D: vitamin D2 and vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 comes from a synthesis of sunlight through the skin. This can also be in a vitamin pill form or as an injectable vitamin.

Many people deal with vitamin D deficiencies. Sometimes the body requires more than what we synthesize throughout the day. Studies show that people who are of Western European descent are naturally deficient in vitamin D and commonly suffer from the symptoms of a vitamin D deficiency. Otherwise, vitamin D deficiencies have also been known to stem from malnutrition and issues with absorption in the intestines, or lack thereof.

Some of the benefits of vitamin D include:

  • Improving the immune system which helps to fight infections in the body
  • Helps to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Helps to reduce increased risk of obesity.
  • Helps patients who are in the pre-diabetes phase.
  • Helps the body absorb calcium to continue to develop strong bone density.
  • Helps to reduce the risk of certain diseases like cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, and helps protect against age-related macular degeneration.
  • Improves mood and cognitive function.
  • Helps to reduce risk of Influenza A.
  • Improves the symptoms of restless leg syndrome.
  • Decreases the risk of incontinence and pelvic floor disorder.
  • Helps in treatment of psoriasis and vitiligo patients

Vitamin D3 is one of the most important groups of micronutrients in the body, and it is one of our more popular injectable vitamins. It has the capability to turn our genes on or off because of its potency as a steroid hormone, similar to other steroid-like hormones such as cortisol and testosterone. This is what makes it a very important vitamin to replenish. In certain areas of the world, like the Mediterranean, where a lack of exposure to UVB ultraviolet-B rays or sources of foods that don’t help to replenish deficiencies is common, vitamin D3 injections can be extremely beneficial. If you’re dealing with hypertension and blood pressure issues, obesity, and/or chronic inflammation, talk to your doctor about vitamin D3 injections for treatment.

Glutathione Vitamins

This is an antioxidant that you don’t hear about as often. Glutathione, which is made up of essential amino acids, gives our body the capability to protect itself from certain parts of the aging process. It’s also referred to as the master antioxidant. It helps to increase body function, increase the health of your skin and boost your overall well-being. Why isn’t this right up there with vitamins C and D, right? Aging, that’s something everyone will experience.

Glutathione has also been known to decrease the chemicals that cause darkening of the skin like hyperpigmentation.

Glutathione can provide a wide array of benefits, including:

  • It improves Insulin sensitivity.
  • It can help you have healthier skin.
  • It helps to get rid of hyperpigmentation.
  • It lowers the risk of cancer and cancer progressing by reducing oxidative stress.
  • It helps your body break down fat.
  • It aids in your anti-aging efforts.
  • It improves the quality of your sleep.
  • It reduces inflammation.
  • It provides your body with higher levels of energy.
  • It reduces the symptoms of diseases like Parkinson’s and ulcerative colitis.

Injectable Vitamins Side Effects

With treatments like injectable vitamins, there is always a risk for side effects. Fortunately, many of these side effects are considered very low risk. First and foremost, it’s always important to talk to your doctor about any allergies you may have to certain ingredients, and if you’re taking medications that could negatively impact your IV treatment.

It’s extremely important to ensure your treatments are coming from qualified professionals who are trained to properly monitor your body throughout the process.

Some of the side effects that may occur could be:

Headaches: There’s a small percentage of a slight headache. Although the chances are extremely slim, the detoxifying of harmful toxins in the body does increase the chance. Nothing a light painkiller couldn’t remedy.

Skin reactions: Because the needle does pierce the skin, it’s only natural that your skin may react. It could develop a rash, seem more red, feel a little sore or look a little swollen. This, like with all needlework, is a very common issue if you have sensitive skin. This can also happen if the needle was inserted incorrectly.

Vein bruising or inflammation: Have you ever gotten bloodwork done and the nurse just couldn’t find your vein? You wake up the next day with a little bruising from the needle. Although very rare, this could be a side effect.

Skin infections: If the area wasn’t cleaned properly, inserting a needle makes you susceptible to infections at the injection spot.

Allergic reaction: If you have any allergies it’s important to discuss this with your doctor. If you are allergic to a specific ingredient in the IV, this could leave you susceptible to an allergic reaction. Depending on the severity of your allergy. This could also include any medications or supplements you may be taking that could interact with the injectable vitamins negatively.

If you’re prone to bad reactions based on previous treatments, consult with your doctor about it so your medical team can help monitor and prevent you from any future reactions.

Anxiety: Although injectable vitamins don’t cause anxiety by themselves, there is an anxiety many people have over the injection of the needle. Talk to the physician who will be administering your treatment and the ways to help you reduce your anxiety.

It’s important to note that these side effects are only low risk when the provider is fully qualified. This way fewer risks are likely to occur. However, on the contrary, more severe side effects are more common with relaxed protocols and unqualified physicians.

Receiving personalized injectable vitamins

Injectable vitamins leave little to wonder when it comes to the rate your body absorbs each vitamin and can ensure great results. Even though you may take vitamin pills or eat fruits, dairy, poultry, and/or meat, receiving the right amount of vitamins, your body needs can become hard to understand and measure. This is why it’s always best to check ourselves with the help of certified professionals.

Before and during treatment, you will have blood tests scheduled. These routine blood tests help your doctor monitor the necessary levels for your body and the dosage of the injectable vitamins needed. Your doctor will also be watching  your response to the treatment, as well as certain markers like a corrected bone profile to gauge the results of the treatment.

Take the guesswork out and call IV ME NOW!

Considering One Of The Injectable Vitamins That IV ME NOW Offers?

Interested? Head over to our website to book a mobile visit! If you’re not quite ready, and want to explore what services are available, check out our Wellness Shop and we’ll be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

athlete ready to run after iv therapy hydration

Why Athletes Are More Frequently Choosing IV Therapy

There are multiple reasons why athletes are more frequently choosing IV therapy during training and after competitions, including but certainly not limited to:

Maintaining proper hydration during physical activity

IV hydration therapy provides the quick and effective delivery of hydrating fluids to the bloodstream. This method of hydration allows the fluids to bypass the digestive system, so there’s less time spent between intake and results. In a situation where the body is pushed to the limit, such as athletic competition or training, this level of expediency is critical to keeping the body healthy. IV hydration therapy also allows for direct absorption of key nutrients contained within the IV solution or “cocktail”. These cocktails often include elements such as electrolytes, antioxidants, or amino acids. For this reason, both amateur and professional athletes are more frequently choosing IV therapy to rehydrate while also receiving vitamins and minerals tailored to their needs.

Relieving or eliminating joint or muscle pain

There’s a lot that goes into building an athletic and fit body, inside and out. Athletes put their bodies through tremendous physical stress, which will inevitably lead to muscle cramps, joint aches, and even chronic or recurring injuries. IV therapy delivers quick and immediate relief of these effects through direct administration of anti-inflammatory drugs and other types of pain medication.

Athletes may also use IV fluids to reduce the chance of future joint pain and muscle cramps by direct fluid replacement through intravenous injection. While it’s not the sole cause or factor in creating these issues, dehydration and loss of fluid and salt in the body can lead to muscle and joint pains. Proper hydration helps lubricate the joints and muscles to prevent friction that can lead to acute and short-term injury.

Facilitating and expediting recovery from different types of injury

This is of course a big reason why athletes are more frequently choosing IV therapy. IV delivery of medications can offer quicker relief for symptoms of injuries and chronic conditions. Many athletes opt for IV therapy for immediate delivery of glutathione, vitamin C, and other antioxidants thought to promote wound healing and reduce oxidative stress that leads to pain after your exercise. The reality of an athlete’s life is that time is always of the essence, and the need for expedient recovery is always a factor in healing. IV therapy can help speed up the recovery process in a safe and effective way.

It’s important to address the origins of pain rather than mask them with simple symptom relief. Talk to your doctor about coming up with a care plan to address the immediate and long-term physical effects of your condition. These types of therapies provide short-term relief, but they’re not meant to be a substitute for long-term treatment. If you’re going to explore regular hydration therapy, come up with a schedule that adequately addresses your fitness and performance cycle as well as other factors, like age and other associated health issues.

When should athletes receive IV therapy?

The short answer is: “before and after.“ 

The more detailed explanation is that the intervals and time at which athletes should receive IV therapy depends on what you’re getting the therapy for. Many athletes opt forpre-hydration therapy before training or engaging in competitive play. Others may choose IV therapy to replenish fluids that they’ve lost from working out. And yet another group might opt for this therapy to alleviate acute aches and pains. The real schedule of your prospective therapy depends on your individual care needs, workout regimen, and more.

Although there are no high-level research studies exploring efficacy, research suggests that “the use of IV fluid may be beneficial for a subset of fluid-sensitive athletes; this should be reserved for high-level athletes with strong histories of symptoms in well-monitored settings.” IV administration of fluids for hydration is quicker than oral consumption of water and other fluids to provide benefits.

What athletes should look for in an IV therapy provider

If you are an athlete and are considering hydration therapy, it’s important to get help from a trusted, reputable and respected provider. To effectively address your specific concerns, it’s important that you partner with an IV therapy provider who is trained in the alleviation of sports-related injuries and can safely administer the care and symptom relief you need without exposing you to any long-term damage.

It’s also important to figure out whether or not they offer the type of service you’re looking for. Make sure to ask questions, do your research and connect with your prospective facility before committing to a treatment schedule. Find out about their level of experience and any relevant accreditations they may have. There are generally no serious side effects of IV hydration therapy, other than potential redness and irritation at the injection, lightheadedness, and nausea. This is still a complex medical procedure that requires a trained professional’s expertise.

IV Therapy for Athletes at IVMeNow

IVMeNow offers a full menu of safe, effective, and replenishing IV therapies for athletes, no matter what level of care they may need. Our South Florida IV therapy team provides treatment for pain and muscle aches, dehydration, injury recovery, and many other types of conditions. Whether you want to get ahead of physical pain so you can stay at the top of your game, or you need quick and effective relief or prevention of dehydration, we are committed to providing the care you need, and will even come right to your home. IV Me Now offers convenient, safe, and effective treatment and accepts multiple types of payments to make the process more accessible. Contact our team today to learn more about what we can do for you.


man feeling productive and energized after nad therapy session

What Can You Expect From Your First NAD Therapy Session?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) IV therapy is a trusted and established intervention to help boost energy and treat conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, exhaustion, and even acute temporary energy-depletion scenarios, like jet lag. As with any clinical treatment, it’s perfectly natural to have questions about getting started, and whether or not it’s safe for you to proceed. NAD is a natural coenzyme found in Vitamin B3. It can help to quickly activate carbs, fats, and your body’s other natural fuels to create energy and make you feel vital and refreshed. The process of NAD IV therapy is fairly simple and straightforward. We’re here to answer any questions you have and provide a detailed account of what you can expect from your first NAD therapy session.

What Is NAD?

NAD is a naturally occurring coenzyme that is found in all living organisms that performs two important functions:

  1. turning nutrients into energy to regulate metabolism, and
  2. assisting designated proteins in the regulation of certain cellular functions.

It also helps to control calcium levels, regulate gene expression and serves as a powerful antioxidant. NAD therapy helps the body to feel more rejuvenated and energized to combat symptoms of fatigue-related diseases as well as specific events that render the body tired. NAD therapy consists of a series of injections that begin after you’ve consulted with an experienced and qualified practitioner who can do it right.

How do I know if I really need NAD IV therapy?

Your medical provider may recommend NAD therapy if you’re struggling with persistent tiredness, chronic fatigue syndrome, or exhaustion. Begin by making an appointment with your physician to get their insight on the viability of NAD therapy, and whether or not it may be right for you. NAD therapy is also a viable option for older people as their bodies age and creates less NAD than they used to, inhibiting the ability to repair and heal itself. Make sure to tell them exactly how you’ve been feeling and write down any questions you may have about the process, including its efficacy and risks.

Remember that there’s nothing wrong with asking them to repeat themselves if there’s something you don’t understand. You can, and should, also consult a qualified practitioner for a detailed consultation. Any new medical intervention needs detailed investigation and research, whether it’s elective or necessary. The more you know about the process, the more empowered you will be to make informed decisions.

When should I have a NAD therapy session?

NAD IV therapy is a prime option for the management of a wide variety of conditions, including but not limited to:

  • Substance Use Disorder
  • Depression
  • Low or Depleted Energy
  • Brain Fog
  • Muscular Issues
  • Fatigue and Tiredness

In patients who are aging, NAD IV therapy can slow or delay the process of aging, improve cognitive ability and mental clarity, reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles in the face, aid or restore muscle function and mobility, and offer many more physical and cognitive health benefits.

What to know about your NAD therapy session

When it’s finally time to have a NAD therapy session, there are some things you should know about duration, after-effects, and what to do before, during, and after each session:

How long are NAD therapy sessions?

NAD therapy sessions occur over the course of two sessions over two days. Sessions are generally eight to ten hours long, during which NAD is injected into the bloodstream. You’ll go into your practitioner’s office and a qualified staff member will prepare the IV equipment and sterilize the surroundings so you feel comfortable, relaxed, and safe. Once your practitioner prepares your treatment, sit back, relax and enjoy! Remember to tell the staff at your facility if you start to experience changes in the way you feel that you don’t expect. Make sure to use the bathroom prior, if possible, so you don’t have to interrupt your session.

Make sure you eat something before your visit so you’re not hungry. It may be a good idea to pack some snacks and drinks in case you get hungry or thirsty during the duration of your session. Make sure you wear comfortable or loose-fitting clothing as you will have to sit in the same spot for a long period of time while you get your treatment. Try to relax as much as possible during your session and let the treatment do its work.

What do I do during my NAD therapy session?

The short answer is, “whatever you’d like”. Perhaps a more appropriate answer would be to say that you can do multiple things during your therapy, like read a book, browse the internet, get some work done or catch up with friends or families over text. You can also catch up on your favorite TV shows, listen to music or just relax and enjoy the time you have to yourself. While the exact length of NAD therapy sessions will vary according to each person’s needs, you can expect to be there for between eight to ten hours. It’s best to have something to fill the time during therapy.

The good news is that IVMeNow can come right to you for your NAD therapy session. You can receive your treatment in the comfort of your home as you endeavor to overcome fatigue, energy depletion, and age-related health issues. 

Can I resume my normal activities right after NAD therapy?

Generally speaking, you should experience little to no negative side effects from your NAD therapy session, with the exception of possible irritation near the injection site. This means that you can resume your routine immediately after receiving your treatment. If you’re experiencing any odd or unexpected side effects, tell your practitioner immediately so they can assess the situation and advise you accordingly on how to proceed. Usually, however, you can maintain normal everyday social activity after you receive your treatment.

How will I feel after my first NAD therapy session?

While each person’s NAD therapy will be different depending on age, pre-existing conditions, and other factors, patients commonly report a variety of positive effects after their NAD therapy session. These include mental clarity, an increase in physical energy, and increased mobility. These positive effects generally last from around five to 14 days depending on your health issues, your level of treatment, therapy goals, and many other factors.

Before getting NAD IV therapy

Like any other medical procedure, you will need to understand how NAD IV therapy may pose risks to your overall physical health and longevity. Before your first treatment, you should undergo a full physical examination and consultation with your doctor. Once it is decided that you’re a candidate for NAD IV therapy, your doctor or practitioner will assess your health goals and needs, and create a customized plan that best suits your objectives and long-term health issues.

Multiple studies point to thesafety and efficacy in NAD IV therapy in isolating NAD molecules and leveraging them to boost energy, but it is important that you get treatment from a trusted and reputable provider.

IVMeNow will give you the best NAD therapy session

No matter what your reason for pursuing NAD IV therapy may be, you need and deserve care and treatment from an experienced and qualified professional. IVMeNow has been helping patients explore the viability of IV NAD therapy for years in South Florida, and we’re ready to do the same for you. We are committed to helping make IV NAD therapy more affordable and accessible to give you the boost of vitality you need to improve your health and quality of life. Don’t let fatigue, aging, and other conditions deplete your energy and make you miss out on life. Contact our South Florida IV NAD therapy clinic to learn more about our process and what we can do for you. We provide a wide range of IV therapies to help you feel and be your best.

man in pajamas hungover needs iv hydration therapy

5 Reasons You Might Need IV Hydration Therapy

There are multiple reasons why you may need IV hydration therapy. While it may seem like a comparatively extreme or invasive means of staying hydrated, IV hydration allows you to maximize your hydration in a way that traditional interventions, such as drinking water, do not. IV hydration is a safe, common, and minimally invasive means of making sure your body has all of the hydration elements it needs to counteract dehydration brought on by chronic and acute conditions. Some of the symptoms most commonly linked to dehydration include, but are not limited to:

  • Fever and flu
  • Diarrhea and intestinal distress
  • Overexertion
  • Infrequent urination
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Excessive sweating
  • Intense thirst
  • Dizziness
  • Disorientation
  • and more

If you notice these symptoms persist, talk to your doctor to start getting IV hydration. This will require more than just drinking water or Gatorade. It will more than likely require a comprehensive cocktail of hydration vitamins and minerals to reverse the course of the symptoms.

In addition to the more urgent need for IV hydration, many quality-of-life issues can warrant this therapy to help people looking and feeling their best. Some of the main reasons you might need IV hydration treatment include:

1. Emergency hydration or medical concern

Let’s start with the basics, IV hydration is commonly used in emergency medical situations when you need an immediate infusion of vitamins and minerals. As scary as it is to admit, there may be times in our lives when we will be unable to respond to doctors’ or EMTs’ inquiries or be awake to take oral medication or drink water. In these emergency medical situations, you may not only need a quick infusion of medications but also fluids to make sure you don’t succumb to dehydration. Some of these specific examples include heart attack or stroke, acute trauma, excessive bleeding or loss of fluids, drug overdose, alcohol poisoning anaphylaxis, or a severe allergic reaction.

Your body depends on a steady and consistent flow of hydration to deal with function during these extremely high-pressure situations and everyday life. Adequate hydration helps you regulate your body temperature, it lubricates your joints and muscles, protects you against infections, delivers nutrients to cells, and keeps organs functioning properly. It also helps to improve the quality of your sleep, enhance your cognition, and elevate your mood.

There will be times when you’re dehydrated and the only way to regulate your hydration levels is through IV. As a general rule in everyday life, it’s recommended that you drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day and eat plenty of fruits and veggies to maintain proper hydration levels. When you find yourself struggling with a condition that causes dehydration, IV therapy may be the right way to go.

2. Malnutrition…Even if you don’t realize it

In some instances, we may be dehydrated and not realize until it’s too late and something urgent happens. We may be going about our day and start to feel faint. We may be lacking essential vitamins and minerals that aid in hydration without knowing it. In these cases, it’s imperative that you immediately replace the fluids in your body to continue proper organ function and restore your body to proper health. Even though you think you may be eating or drinking enough, your body may be missing certain fundamental vitamins and minerals that are needed to survive.

3. You overdid it during exercise

There’s a difference between being a little overheated after an intense workout and suffering from more serious dehydration. There’s a reason why we’re told to consistently drink water and take breaks between reps. Exercising elevates both heart rate and body temperature at intense levels, so it’s important to continue to circulate fluid throughout your body to regulate your temperature. Intense and prolonged exercise without stopping to drink water can lead to dehydration sooner than you think. While you may not feel like you’re dehydrated, it can creep up on you at any moment, leading to possible collapse or unconsciousness.

You can often prevent fitness-related dehydration by drinking enough water and monitoring the color of your urine for darkening or discoloration. There may be other times when IV hydration therapy is a viable option to help you quickly replace the fluids in your body. If you know you’re going to be doing a particularly hard workout one day during the week, consider scheduling an IV hydration appointment for IV hydration the same day. It’s also worth noting that the South Florida weather can routinely lead to overheating and dehydration. So be careful when you exercise outside!

There are specific hydration cocktails for athletes that offer sterile saline fluids, as well as those that restore your electrolytes. When you’re living in South Florida, IV hydration therapy can be a perfect solution to leave you rested, cooled, and refreshed no matter what your activity level may be. You don’t have to be a super athlete to reap the refreshing and rejuvenating benefits of hydration therapy.

4. Hydration to remedy a hangover

It’s understandable! After all, we live in South Florida, where there is a lot to do at night. Of course, one of the first things people do the morning after a fun night out is to start chugging their water or Gatorade. Waking up with a massive headache is something we all dread. Our customers will sometimes receive IV hydration therapy before or after they go out drinking so they can mitigate their hangover symptoms.

Our IV hydration therapy administers fluids, vitamins, and minerals directly into your bloodstream to bypass the absorption and get you feeling back to normal more quickly. We offer B-Complex vitamin therapy, Vitamin C therapy, and general hydration therapy to our customers so they can enjoy all that South Florida has to offer, without worrying about the consequences that come with hangovers!

5. You just need a “boost” of energy

Feeling tired, run-down, or fatigued from everyday life? Does your career or lifestyle leave you feeling depleted at the end of the week? While it’s recommended that we all take proper care of ourselves (diet, exercise, mental health, etc.), the reality for many is that we often neglect ourselves as we move through our daily lives. IV hydration helps us reclaim our health and ensure that our fluids are properly balanced so we can look and feel our best.

Many people also have special diets, whether permanent or temporary, that may leave us deprived of essential vitamins and minerals. IV hydration therapy can replace the vitamins that we lose when abstaining from consuming certain foods or beverages, like fruits or veggies.

Risks and side effects of IV hydration therapy 

We understand that you may have questions about the side effects of hydration therapy, and we can assure you that it’s a safe and minimally invasive intervention. Some of the common mild side effects that people may experience include dizziness, lightheadedness, and pain or irritation at the injection site. Risks of IV hydration therapy may be compounded or magnified in older adults. It’s important to speak with your doctor about the benefits versus the risks of this therapy before making your decision.

IV Hydration Therapy at IVMeNow

Whether you’re looking for IV hydration therapy to manage a chronic or acute medical condition or to maintain your active lifestyle, IVMeNow is ready to provide professional, prompt, and reliable service from trained experts. Our team in South Florida will be glad to provide your treatment right in the comfort of your home. Treatment duration will vary based on age, health issues, and other factors. Contact our team today to learn more about this therapy and whether it’s the right choice for you. We accept multiple methods of payment to make the process more affordable. Start feeling your best now.