caution sign that says allergy season ahead

Can IV Therapy Bring Me Relief from Allergies?

No matter the time of year, you may be struggling with allergies in South Florida. That’s because various flowers and trees are always in bloom and mold thrives in damp, humid conditions. Smoke, pet hair, food, and insect bites can also result in allergic reactions. Allergies are annoying, uncomfortable, and even debilitating when they’re severe. Nothing can cure them. However, IV therapy can help to reduce inflammation and improve the body’s ability to get rid of the histamines that cause symptoms.

Allergies occur when the immune system reacts to a foreign substance like dander or pollen. The immune system produces antibodies that classify an allergen as harmful even though it’s not inherently dangerous. When you are exposed to the allergen, inflammation results. Depending on the substance and the part of the body it affects, symptoms may present on your skin, in your sinuses or in your digestive system.

How IV Therapy Can Make Things Better

Allergy sufferers often turn to prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and home remedies to find relief. You may have tried all these things. However, you may not have considered IV hydration therapy. There are several reasons why you should give this treatment a try.

First, you’ll get instant hydration thanks to the saline solution. Flooding your system with fluids will help your body to get rid of the allergens and also prevent the release of high levels of histamines. While drinking water will be helpful, IV therapy is a faster and more efficient way to boost hydration. The fluids go directly into the bloodstream and bypass the digestive system.

If you’re dealing with allergies, your IV solution should include vitamin C. This antioxidant reduces the severity of allergic reactions and reduces histamine production. While you should eat foods rich in vitamin C, IV therapy ensures a higher dose is available to your body almost immediately.

Another ingredient you may want to include in your treatment is glutathione. This is an antioxidant that plays a major role in helping the liver break down toxins and chemicals. Glutathione can help to eliminate excess histamines in the body. However, it is often found in lower quantities in people who have seasonal allergies.

Contact IVMeNow to Get Personalized IV Therapy

Allergies don’t have to ruin your life. IV treatment can help to reduce your symptoms and boost your energy so you can get back to your daily life. We offer a mobile service throughout South Florida so call us today to ask questions or schedule an appointment.

a platter of foods that are high in Zinc

Get the Benefits of Zinc via IV Hydration Therapy

Zinc is an important trace mineral that’s found in cells throughout the body. Your bones, tissues, organs, and bodily fluids all rely on it. Zinc supports the function of the immune system and is necessary for cell division, cell growth, carbohydrate breakdown, and wound healing. This key nutrient also has a role to play in thyroid function and blood clotting.

Zinc is typically absorbed through the digestive system from foods like pork, beef, chicken, nuts, and lentils. At the same, it plays a critical role in digestion. If you have poor digestive health because of a condition like leaky gut syndrome or celiac disease, you may have low zinc levels even if you consume enough. Low zinc can result in a compound issue since the body requires zinc to digest food in order to get the zinc it needs. You can see how this would make it difficult to benefit from zinc-rich foods or even oral supplements.

Fortunately, IV hydration therapy bypasses the digestive symptoms. It delivers zinc and other nutrients directly into the blood. Regardless of your level of digestion, you’ll get an immediate improvement in your zinc levels.

Signs of Low Zinc

If your zinc levels are low, you may experience:

  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Wounds that take a long time to heal
  • Digestive problems
  • Low libido
  • Infertility
  • PMS
  • Brain fog
  • Poor concentration
  • Cravings

IV hydration therapy can play a big role in ensuring your zinc levels are adequate.

How Zinc IV Therapy Can Help You

Getting a concentrated dose of zinc can provide several benefits. These include:

  • A stronger immune system. A zinc deficiency will quickly weaken your T-cells – the defenders that recognize infection and multiply to fight it off. When these cells can’t do their jobs effectively, you’ll be more prone to illness.
  • Improved brain function. Large amounts of zinc are found in the hippocampus – the area of the brain that controls learning and memory. Zinc also works with vitamin B6 to ensure the brain’s neurotransmitters are working properly. When you get IV therapy that includes zinc, you may help to boost your mental functioning.
  • Enhanced athletic performance. If you want to build strength and improve your physical performance, you need to ensure you consume enough zinc. That’s because zinc assists in the production of several hormones including testosterone and growth hormones. Zinc can also improve recovery from strenuous exercise.

Contact IVMeNow to Learn More

If you think you could benefit from a direct infusion of zinc or you’re curious about IV therapy, reach out to IVMeNow today. We offer a convenient mobile service throughout South Florida so we can treat you at your home, office or hotel. Call us and learn how we can help you.

a platter with foods that contain magnesium

The Role of Magnesium in the Body and How You Can Get It Via IV Therapy

The body needs magnesium to support over 300 biochemical reactions. Not only does this mineral help to ensure that your nerves and muscles function adequately, but it supports your immune system, heart, and bones. Magnesium also assists with the production of protein and energy. Plus, it keeps blood glucose levels in check. Researchers also believe magnesium may help to prevent and manage diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. You can get magnesium from your food but an additional way to ensure you get enough is through the Myer’s Cocktail, a well-known IV therapy solution. Lack of magnesium most likely occurs in older people, individuals with Type 2 diabetes, those with gastrointestinal disease, and those who abuse alcohol.

If you don’t consume or absorb enough magnesium, in the early stages you may experience, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, and loss of appetite. Moderate deficiency usually results in numbness, tingling, seizures, abnormal heart rhythms, personality changes, and muscle cramps. Severe deficiencies cause low blood calcium and low blood potassium. Let’s look at how the Myer’s Cocktail IV hydration treatment works.

The Myer’s Cocktail Explained

This cocktail was around for decades. It is made up of a sterile saline solution, vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and magnesium. If you choose to get your magnesium this way, you’ll also get increased hydration and the benefit of these additional vitamins. Vitamin C boosts immunity, improves the absorption of iron, and lowers risk factors for heart disease. Vitamin B12 regulates energy and mood and helps to support the health of the eyes, brain, blood, and bones.

While these vitamins are most often oral supplements, IV hydration therapy ensures they go straight into the bloodstream. Otherwise, they would have to go through the digestive system. Then the full dosage wouldn’t be absorbed. IV therapy is fast, efficient, and effective.

Reach out to IVMeNow to Learn About the IV Therapy Treatments We Offer

If interested in including magnesium in your IV hydration therapy solution, reach out to our team today. The procedure is painless. We offer a mobile service throughout South Florida. Our licensed nurses perform a medical screening before we administer treatment so we can ensure you get the fluids and nutrients you need. IV therapy is most effective if you get regular treatments. Schedule an appointment today or call us to ask questions.

Wellness At Any Age

The Benefits of Glutathione in an IV Hydration Treatment

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that supports the proper functioning of many of the body’s systems. It plays a role in everything from strengthening your immune system to preventing you from showing signs of premature aging. Even though glutathione is extremely important, it often isn’t properly absorbed when taken orally. That’s why many people opt to boost their glutathione levels with IV hydration treatment.

When consumed orally, glutathione has to be broken down by enzymes in the stomach before it can be absorbed. Not all of it makes it into the bloodstream. With IV hydration treatment, it quickly goes directly into the bloodstream and bypasses the stomach. This ensures that the full dosage is absorbed.

Why Glutathione is so Important for Wellness

Glutathione is made up of three amino acids: glutamic acid, glycine, and cysteine. As an antioxidant, one of its main functions is to help you to fight illness and injuries. It binds to free radicals and helps to remove them from the body.

Glutathione IV treatment can improve the symptoms associated with a number of conditions including:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • AIDS
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Cancer
  • Epilepsy
  • Dementia

Even if you don’t have a disease, you can still benefit from increasing your antioxidant levels. Glutathione can boost your immunity, increase your energy levels, and improve the health and appearance of your skin, hair, and nails.

Glutathione and Aging

IV treatment with glutathione can also reduce signs of aging. As time passes and free radicals build up in the body, they can speed up the aging process. High concentrations of free radicals can lead to increased cell damage, resulting in wrinkles and dull skin. Glutathione can help to get rid of free radicals before they cause cell damage. This can make you look youthful for longer.

Glutathione and Athletic Performance

Glutathione IV hydration treatment can also be very helpful for athletes and people who exercise frequently. Free radicals occur when cells use oxygen to produce energy. During exercise, the body needs more oxygen than usual, and this results in an increase in free radicals. When you get an IV treatment with glutathione, you’ll remove free radicals from your body while also boosting your hydration. This reduces cell damage, muscle damage, and recovery time.

Reach Out to IVMeNow to Learn About the Treatments We Offer

If you’re wondering if a glutathione treatment is right for you, call us and talk to an experienced member of our team. Whether you need this or another type of treatment, we offer a mobile IV service throughout South Florida. Get in touch today to learn more about what we can do for you.

pouring water into a glass with green in the background

Why IV Hydration Therapy Should Be Part of Your Plan to Increase Your Water Intake

Every cell in the human body requires water to function. That makes this vital liquid is a key component of good health. Water protects tissues, facilitates the elimination of waste, lubricates joints, and regulates temperature. The amount needed each day varies from one person to another depending on a range of factors including health and activity level.

However, what is certain is that not providing your body with the fluids it needs can be dangerous. Even mild dehydration can make you feel tired and sluggish. Not drinking enough water can also lead to bad breath, constipation, poor skin and hair, and frequent illness.

How to Consume More Fluids

If you’ve noticed signs of dehydration, it’s clear that you need to take in more fluids. While drinking more water is an excellent idea, there are other ways in which you can boost hydration. One of the most efficient and effective options is IV hydration therapy.

If you need a fast way to get additional fluids and electrolytes into your body, this may be the best option. Since the intravenous saline solution goes directly into the bloodstream, you begin to feel the effects almost immediately. For many people, IV hydration therapy is preferable to guzzling bottles of plain water. An added benefit is that the solution can be customized with vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.

Other ways in which you can increase your fluid intake include:

  • Adding a slice of lemon, cucumber or strawberry to your water. If you get bored with plain water, adding a piece of fruit to your bottle or glass can make water more palatable. If you’re out, you can try sugar-free fruit-flavored water.
  • Eating foods with a high water content. You should get most of your fluids from water and other beverages. However, another way to get more water is to eat melons, citrus fruits, pineapples, cucumbers, and tomatoes.
  • Get a water-filtering pitcher or a whole-house filtration system. If you’re worried about whether the water in your home is safe to drink or you don’t like the taste, a filter can make a big difference.

Reach Out to IVMeNow and Ask About Out IV Hydration Therapy Options

No matter what you do, there’s only so much water you can drink. If you’re ill, recovering from surgery or engaging in strenuous activity, you won’t be able to get enough hydration orally. That’s where hydration therapy comes in. We provide an efficient mobile service throughout South Florida so we can visit you in your home, hotel or office. Call us today to ask questions or book an appointment.

woman getting outlines drawn on her face to look younger

Speed Up Post-Operative Recovery with IV Hydration Therapy

Surgery is supposed to make you better but even when it’s successful, you may not feel like yourself for some time. You’re likely to be dehydrated and fatigued, and you’ll generally feel unwell. Whether you had emergency surgery, general surgery or cosmetic surgery, recovery will take some time. Following doctor’s orders is essential post-surgery. If your doctor clears you, you should consider getting IV hydration therapy. This doesn’t mean you’ll have to spend more time in hospital. A trained nurse can visit you at your home and administer a customized, IV treatment. In this blog post, we’ll talk about some of the nutrients you need while recovering from surgery and how IV therapy can help you to get them.

The Post-Surgery Healing Process

You need to take extra special care of yourself after you undergo a surgical operation. Not only will the procedure put unusual stress on your body, but simply being in a hospital can put you at risk of infection. Furthermore, sometimes complications develop after surgery. Wounds can get infected and medications can cause adverse side effects. You’ll need to boost your immune system, promote tissue healing, and give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to function optimally.

Your doctor may recommend that you take oral vitamin supplements to support your recovery. Vitamin C and D are especially important along with calcium, zinc, Vitamins A and K and B-complex vitamins. Eating a diet packed with fruits, vegetables, fish and eggs can help to speed up the healing process. However, there is only so much you can eat, and your body won’t absorb the full dosage when you take supplements.

What’s the solution? You should give thought to getting regular IV hydration therapy. Not only will it provide the fluids and electrolytes you badly need, but the ingredients can be customized to your needs. IV therapy provides a concentrated dose of nutrients and delivers them directly to your bloodstream. Since the solution bypasses the digestive system, your body gets immediate access to the full dosage.

Kickstart Your Recovery with IVMeNow!

Recovery after surgery can be painful, uncomfortable, and frustrating. However, you can speed up the process if you get the nutrients your body is craving. Recovery takes time but you’ll feel a lot better if when you have an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals in your bloodstream. We offer a mobile service throughout South Florida so we can visit you at your home and administer the therapy. Call us today.

a collection of sports balls

How IV Therapy Can Prepare You for Your Next Big Game

Most sporting and athletic events are on pause for the time being because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, if you’re a sports enthusiast, you’re probably still preparing mentally and physically for when you can get back on the field, court or track again. You may be looking for ways to ensure you’re ready to give of your best when the next big game comes around. You probably have a strategy you used in the past, but have you considered getting IV hydration therapy?

This is an easy, convenient way to increase your energy and hydration before competition. In less than an hour, you can receive fluids, electrolytes, and a customized cocktail of vitamins and minerals. This will help to ensure your body has everything it needs to perform at optimal levels.

The Importance of Hydrating Before Exercise

Many people focus on drinking water and sports drinks during and after intense physical activity. However, you should also hydrate adequately before running, working out, or playing competitively. It’s important to give your body enough time to process the fluids before you begin exerting energy. Instead of gulping down large amounts of water, you should try IV therapy. This allows for maximum absorption of both fluids and nutrients and assists with both performance and endurance.

If you’re well hydrated before the game, your body has fluids to draw on when you begin to sweat. In addition, proper hydration ensures that your blood volume is at its highest and this helps your cardiovascular system to function effectively. Rehydrating simply by drinking liquids may not be enough if you’re training hard.

Even if you don’t feel like you lack fluids, you will notice the effects in your strength and endurance. In any case, drinking too much can actually cause problems. Drinking plain water can dilute the electrolytes in your body and make you feel tired. Therefore, IV hydration is often the best way to go for athletes and sportspeople who have a big event coming up.

Contact IVMeNow to Have All Your Questions Answered

If you’re curious about IV hydration but you’re not sure if it is right for you, call IVMeNow to get further details. We offer a convenient mobile service throughout South Florida and the treatment is administered by trained nurses. Whether you want to book and appointment or learn about the types of treatments we offer, we’ll gladly take your call.

get healthy traffic sign

5 Easy Ways to Get Your Health Back On Track with IV Therapy

Everyone wants to enjoy good health but sometimes it can seem difficult to live a healthy lifestyle. With so many differing opinions about which food and workout routines are best, people often get overwhelmed. However, taking charge of your health doesn’t have to be a huge challenge, especially if you don’t have underlying conditions. Let’s look at some of the things you can begin doing at any point in time, including IV therapy.

Get Regular IV Therapy

Some people start taking oral vitamins and supplements when they become more health-conscious. However, this is not the most effective or efficient way to get the nutrients you need. With IV hydration therapy, a customized cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is delivered straight into your bloodstream. You begin to feel the effects of the increased fluids immediately and the other ingredients begin to work quickly. The effects of IV therapy will be even more significant if you get regular treatments.

Always Plan Your Meals

How often do you eat unhealthy foods just because they’re readily available? Grabbing fast food generally seems easier than cooking or seeking out a restaurant that specializes in nutrient-dense meals. While you may not want to cook every day, taking a few hours at the start of the week to plan your meals and snacks can make a big difference. Make a list, buy only what you have written down, and commit to eating what you’ve prepared. Be sure to include lots of fruits, vegetables, grains, and healthy fats.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Too much alcohol damages your liver and leads to certain forms of cancer. If you’re a woman, you shouldn’t have more than one drink per day. This amounts to 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor. Men should have no more than two drinks.

Keep Sugary Drinks and Snacks to a Minimum

One of the most important things you can do for your body is to reduce your sugar intake. Sugar can increase your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Try to use unsweetened beverages and sugar-free or low-sugar foods and snacks.

Incorporate Movement into Your Day

You don’t have to go to the gym to get more exercise. Even if you’re staying in the house as much as possible these days, you can move more. While you have the option of following an at-home workout on YouTube, there are other things you can do. For example, you can move away the furniture, put on your favorite music, and dance. You can also do yoga, jog in place, or even play with your pets. Starting a small garden can also help you to stay active.

Let IVMeNow Help You to Improve Your Health

If you’re curious about how IV therapy can help you as you create a healthier life, reach out to IVMeNow today and ask about our mobile service. We’re standing by to answer your questions.

checkbox for getting enough amino acids

Can I Get Amino Acids in an IV Hydration Treatment?

Amino acids are 20 organic compounds that play an important role in several chemical reactions in the body. They combine to form proteins and they help to maintain the body’s normal functions. While you can get amino acids from food and supplements, one of the most effective sources is via IV hydration. In this post we’ll explain a bit more about amino acids and how IV therapy can ensure your system is functioning as it should.

Types of Amino Acids

Amino acids fall into three categories: essential, non-essential, and conditional. You need to get essential amino acids from an external source since the body doesn’t naturally produce them. Most people are able to get these nine amino acids from the foods they eat but there are also supplements available.

Meanwhile, the body naturally produces nonessential amino acids regardless of what you eat. Conditional amino acids are produced only under certain circumstances such as when the body is battling illness or under lots of stress.

If you eat a balanced diet, this will help to ensure you get lots of essential and nonessential amino acids during the day. If you don’t take in enough, your body will not be able to adequately produce proteins. The existing proteins in your tissues and muscles could also begin to weaken.

Why Amino Acids Are So Important

Athletes and other highly active individuals often use amino acid supplements to support their muscles and tissues and improve their physical performance. However, you don’t have to be a sportsperson or marathon runner to benefit from additional amino acids. Aging individuals may supplement to reduce muscle loss or restore muscle mass. This can assist in improving mobility and strength.

How You Can Get More Amino Acids

Amino acids can be taken in via food, oral supplements, and IV infusion. If you push your body to the limit or you’re advancing in age, you may not get what you need from food. Some people also have health conditions that prevent them from absorbing nutrients they consume orally. In such a case, IV hydration therapy may be the best option. This method allows for 100 percent absorption into the bloodstream. It also allows for a customized blend of nutrients that tailored to the needs of the individual.

Contact IVMeNow to Learn How We Can Help You

If intravenous treatment sounds like it may be right for you, contact our professional team today to learn more. Whether you want to supplement your amino acid levels or get additional nutrients, we’ll can assist. Call us today!

woman holding her stomach with the stomach flu

Fight the Dreaded Stomach Flu with IV Therapy

Stomach flu is the common name given to viral gastroenteritis. This is an infection of the intestines and stomach that results in nausea, vomiting, watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and on occasion, fever. Naturally, it can make you feel dreadful and you’ll have to miss school, work or important social events. Since there is no specific treatment for gastroenteritis, the usual remedy is to treat your symptoms, hydrate, and rest.

However, one of the best ways to relieve symptoms of stomach flu is with IV hydration therapy. This treatment rehydrates, puts vital nutrients back into your body. And it also can deliver antacids and anti-nausea medications directly into your bloodstream. If you get IV therapy as soon as you begin to notice symptoms, you’ll feel better faster. And you can get back to your regular activities.

What’s Included in An IV Solution for Stomach Flu

When you get IV therapy, the formula will be customized to your needs. The ingredients mix with a sterile saline solution that guarantees 100 percent delivery to the bloodstream. You will likely receive:

  • Vitamin B12. Gastroenteritis can make you feel worn out and generally unwell. This will help to boost your energy levels and mood.
  • B-complex vitamins. These eight vitamins support many of the body’s functions. They help to support your immune system.
  • Vitamin C: This can boost immunity and increase your anti-oxidant levels.
  • Anti-nausea medication. Your IV can include ingredients to calm your stomach and make you feel more comfortable.
  • When you have gastro, your stomach will produce excess acids. Antacids will neutralize them. This can bring you some relief as you recover.

Book an Appointment with IVMeNow Today!

No one wants to develop stomach problems. Sometimes, despite your best efforts to avoid illness, you can’t always prevent it. Regardless of how you picked up a virus, vomiting, and diarrhea are likely. If you woke up with the tell-tale signs of a stomach bug, contact our highly trained professionals at IVMeNow.

We offer mobile hydration IV services throughout South Florida and we can visit you at your home, hotel, or office. The treatment takes less than an hour. It’ll will boost your body’s ability to fight viral illness. Call us today to get fast relief from your symptoms or get more information about how our treatments work.