girl looking at her computer feeling hungover

Feeling Fatigued? IV Hydration Therapy May Be the Solution.

Everyone feels tired from time to time. Working long hours at the office, dealing with household chores and still remaining active in the community can make it difficult to get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep every night. However, if you’re constantly feeling exhausted, you may have fatigue.

People tend to use tiredness and fatigue interchangeably. But they’re not the same. If you have fatigue, you may feel constantly tired. However, you’re also likely to experience headaches, dizziness, aches, and pains. You may find it difficult to sleep or even think clearly. And you may even find yourself battling flu-like symptoms. Several things can lead to fatigue. It is important to get to the root of your symptoms. However, in many cases, IV hydration therapy can make you feel much better.

Common Causes of Fatigue

Fatigue is often a symptom of another illness or it a standalone condition. It is often caused by:

  • Poor nutrition. What you eat is directly linked to how you feel. If you eat too much sugar or processed food and consume meals of poor nutritional value, this can contribute to fatigue. Deficiencies in B vitamins, iron, folate, and other nutrients can affect your mood and energy levels.
  • Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to your muscles, brain and other organs. Anemia occurs when you have fewer red blood cells than you need. And it’s a major cause of fatigue.
  • This is a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain that has no specific cause. Symptoms include mental fog, fatigue during the day, and joint and muscle pain. People who have fibromyalgia find it difficult to concentrate on tasks.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome. Unexplained, extreme fatigue that lasts more than four months is considered chronic fatigue syndrome. It is more likely to occur in women and people between the ages of 40 and 50.
  • Fatigue is also a major symptom of diabetes along with excessive thirst and urination. If the condition is untreated, it can cause dehydration. This can also contribute to fatigue.

Benefits of IV Therapy

IV hydration therapy isn’t just for hospital settings. With IVMeNow’s mobile hydration IV services, you can get a boost of fluids and nutrients while in your home, hotel or office. IV therapy is the fastest, most effective way to get vital nutrients into your bloodstream. The solution can be customized to suit your nutritional requirements and health challenges. With hydrating fluids and electrolytes and high doses of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, your energy and mood will lift. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

woman drinking water to be hydrated

How IV Therapy Can Help With Dehydration

The human body needs water and other fluids to perform all its normal functions. When you lose or use more fluids than you consume, dehydration results. If you don’t replace the lost fluids, your short and long-term health could be compromised. sometimes dehydration is due to very simple things like being forgetting to drink because you’re busy or you’re not feeling well. However, it can also be due to:

  • The higher your fever, the more dehydrated you’re likely to be.
  • Diarrhea and vomiting. Sudden, violent diarrhea can cause you to lose a lot of water and electrolytes in a short space of time. If you’re vomiting as well, you’ll lose even larger amounts of fluids and minerals.
  • Excessive urination. If you have uncontrolled or undiagnosed diabetes or you’re taking diuretics or some blood pressure medications, you’ll need to urinate more.
  • Excessive sweating. If you exercise or engage in other physical activity and you don’t replace the fluids as you go, dehydration is the natural result. If the weather is warm and humid, you’ll lose even more fluids.

Effects of Dehydration

Dehydration can lead to a range of serious complications, including:

  • Urinary and kidney issues. If dehydration is prolonged or repeated, it can result in urinary tract infections, kidney stones and in severe cases, kidney failure.
  • Electrolytes like potassium and sodium assist in carrying electrical signals between cells. If you have low levels of these minerals in your body, the signals can get mixed up. This can lead to uncontrolled muscle contractions and possibly a loss of consciousness.
  • Heat injury. If you’re engaged in physical activity and you’re sweating a lot without drinking enough, you may experience mild cramps, heat exhaustion or even heat stroke.
  • Hypovolemic shock. This occurs when low blood volume causes blood pressure and the amount of oxygen in the body to drop. It can be life-threatening.

Treating Dehydration with IV Therapy

Mild cases of dehydration can be addressed by drinking water, sports drinks or rehydration solutions. However, moderate to severe cases may require IV therapy. There is only so much fluid one can drink quickly before beginning to feel ill. If you’re already unwell, drinking a lot will be difficult. Intravenous drips are a much more effective way of giving the body the fluids, electrolytes, and nutrients it needs.

Since the solution bypasses the digestive system, you’ll begin to feel the effects almost right away. Whether you’re an athlete, a festival goer, or an extremely busy professional, IV therapy can make you feel like yourself again when you’re dehydrated. Contact IVMeNow to learn about our mobile hydration therapy services in South Florida.

woman embracing the sunset in an open field

5 Amazing Benefits of IV Hydration Therapy

You’re likely familiar with the use of IV hydration therapy in hospitals and medical facilities. It has been used for decades to treat people who are severely dehydrated or too ill to take in nutrients orally. However, you don’t need to be seriously ill to reap the benefits of IV hydration therapy. Even if you’re still going about your regular activities, this treatment can address vitamin deficiencies and boost hydration rapidly.

Intravenous therapy is the quickest, most efficient way to give your body the nutrients it needs. Since it delivers fluids, vitamins, and other helpful ingredients directly into your bloodstream, you’ll get fast results. Unsure if IV hydration therapy is right for you? Read on to learn about some of the benefits.

The Vitamins You Get Will Be Quickly Absorbed

Many people struggle to adequately absorb nutrients they take orally because of medical issues or medications. When you get IV hydration therapy, your bloodstream absorbs the full dosage. This way your body can begin to use it immediately. You don’t have to wait for the digestive system to process anything.

You Get Instant Rehydration

If you’re not getting enough fluids, you can feel unwell even if you’re otherwise healthy. However, it can be challenging to drink liters and liters of water without feeling sick. If you’re ill, it can be even more difficult to get the liquids you need. IV hydration delivers a sterile saline solution to your body and most people begin to feel the effects right away.

Hydration Therapy Delivers an Energy Boost

People living with anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue, or even respiratory illnesses often have low energy levels. If you need to get on with your day despite your condition, you can get an IV cocktail designed to make you feel energized.

Treatments Can Be Customized

Unlike the supplements you’ll find at the drug store, customized intravenous drips can help meet your nutritional goals. Ingredients like vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium, and antioxidants can be added based on your individual needs. You may not need to take costly supplements multiple times per day.

It Can Prevent Illness

While IV therapy is used in the treatment of some illnesses, it can also help to boost immunity. Regular sessions can prevent migraines, respiratory illnesses, and other chronic conditions. Vitamin C has a major role to play in improving immunity.

Schedule Your IV Therapy Session with IVMeNow

Whether you’re an athlete, a busy professional, or someone struggling with chronic illness, you may be able to benefit from IV therapy. IVMeNow offers a mobile service throughout South Florida. Call us today to ask questions or schedule an appointment.

needle with pills and a chronic diseases sign

The Benefits of IV Hydration Therapy for People Living with Chronic Illness

Chronic illnesses can be frustrating to deal with. They can cause daily pain and discomfort. And patients usually need ongoing medical treatment to help them manage their symptoms. Most people living with chronic conditions use prescription medication to help them cope. However, IV hydration can aid supplement medical treatment for some patients.

While each illness is different, many people with chronic illness experience fatigue, joint pain, and nausea. IV hydration therapy can help to alleviate these symptoms. For example, some of the conditions which intravenous therapy can help include multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, Lyme Disease, cancer, migraines, and chronic fatigue.

  • People with fibromyalgia often experience fatigue, pain, and low energy levels. But administering vitamins, minerals and amino acids via IV can help them to participate more fully in daily activities.
  • Headaches, nausea, and light sensitivity can be debilitating. Simply increasing the amount of fluids and electrolytes in your body can make a difference. And vitamins, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory ingredients can help to make the IV even more beneficial.
  • Chronic fatigue. Many of the most common ingredients in IV drips can bring about marked increases in energy levels. Above all, if a specific nutrient deficiency is causing your fatigue, a customized treatment can help.

How and Why IV Therapy Works to Bring Relief from Chronic Illness

Intravenous nutrient therapy involves the delivery of high doses of vitamins, minerals and amino acids directly into the bloodstream. These ingredients are given in concentrated doses. This allows an individual to handle them orally. Since the nutrients bypass the gastrointestinal tract, the body gets access to the full amount administered.

Your treatment will be delivered after a medical assessment so your IV cocktail needs customization to your individual needs. Some people may need relief from joint pain and inflammation. Others need a boost for their immune system. Intravenous drips can also offer a rapid boost to hydration, increase energy, and fight off infection.

Contact IVMeNow to Discuss Your Treatment Needs

IVMeNow provides IV hydration therapy throughout South Florida. A board-certified doctor tests and monitors our treatments. Licensed and highly trained nurses administer our IVs. We carry out a medical screening before providing treatment, so we know exactly what your body needs. Contact us today to discuss your needs and expected outcome. We’ll work with you to improve your health and wellbeing.

woman with messy hair and eye mask and water bottle

Can IV Hydration Get Rid of My Hangover Faster?

No one wants to wake up with a hangover, especially if they plan to have a productive day. The headaches, nausea, lack of energy and overall discomfort can make it hard to get anything done. If you want to feel better quickly, you need to treat all your symptoms. Many people find that IV hydration therapy is the best hangover cure.

Hangovers occur when you consume too much alcohol. The unpleasant symptoms can go away on their own, but this can take up to 24 hours. If you need to go to work or participate in social activities, this can seem like a really long time. However, hydration therapy is a fast and effective way to take in fluids and nutrients which alleviate symptoms and speed up recovery. You’ll get relief from the effects of dehydration, fatigue, dizziness, low blood pressure and other symptoms.

How IV Hydration Therapy Can Cure a Hangover

One of the key ways to feel better after drinking too much is to get adequate hydration. Alcohol dehydrates the body, and this contributes to many of the awful symptoms linked to a hangover. However, if you try to guzzle excessive amounts of water, you’ll likely feel worse. When you take in fluids intravenously, the much-needed liquids bypass the digestive system and go straight into the bloodstream. The effects of the sterile saline solution are felt almost immediately.

The solution will include a cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes which can help get rid of your other symptoms. Hangover treatments can include:

  • B-Complex vitamins. These help your cells to produce more energy, giving you increased mental clarity, strength, and a general feeling of wellbeing.
  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C isn’t only for fighting symptoms of cold and flu. It can also help to speed up your recovery by helping the liver to break down the alcohol in your body.
  • This is a powerful antioxidant that detoxifies the liver and kidneys. When you drink excessive amounts of alcohol, the glutathione levels in your body drop. Boosting your intake of glutathione can reduce some of the worst hangover symptoms.

Speed Up Your Hangover Recovery with IVMeNow

If you’re living, working or staying in South Florida and you want to feel better quickly, reach out to our team. By choosing mobile IV hydration therapy services, you can get the treatment you need without any inconvenience. You won’t have to travel to an IV clinic or bar when you already feel unwell. Instead, a trained nurse will visit you at your home, office or hotel and administer the treatment. Call us today to book an appointment or ask questions.

woman with a migraine holding her temples

Relieving Bothersome Migraines with Hydration Therapy

Migraines get a bad rap for a reason. They can cause pain that’s so intense that sufferers find it difficult to perform regular tasks. If you’ve ever experienced a migraine, you know how excruciating it can be. Exposure to light can make the pain worse and when coupled with nausea or vomiting, your quality of life can be severely affected. Migraines can last for hours, days or even longer and they affect millions of Americans.

Identifying your triggers and avoiding them is an important part of managing your condition. However, you may not know all your triggers so you may find yourself turning to over-the-counter drugs or prescription medicines to relieve the pain. Sometimes these offer little relief. However, intravenous hydration therapy can bring about significant results.

Why IV Hydration Therapy Can Help

Migraines may be due in part to dehydration and a lack of electrolytes. When your body doesn’t contain enough fluids, it’s more difficult to fight pain and achieve overall wellbeing. However, it can be hard to drink as much water as you need to. That’s where IV therapy comes in. It delivers a potent dose of fluids, vitamins, electrolytes and antioxidants directly into your bloodstream and these help you to fight your symptoms.

You can even benefit from anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea ingredients that bring added relief. IV therapy also gives your body a boost and flushes out free radicals that can make your symptoms worse. This type of treatment brings fast relief. Appointments last less than an hour and you begin to feel the hydrating effects almost immediately. You may continue to reap the benefits for up to a month after you get treatment. If you’re a chronic migraine sufferer, this will be welcome news.

As you know, prevention is better than cure and hydration therapy can also assist in preventing migraines. It helps you to maintain overall wellness and boosts your hydration levels, making debilitating pain less likely. You may find that when you consistently have adequate levels of fluids and electrolytes in your body, you experience fewer headaches.

Get Migraine Relief from IVMeNow

Migraines can ruin your mood and your day. The good news is that you don’t have to endure the pain. Book our mobile hydration therapy service and get fast, lasting relief in your home, hotel or office. We serve all of South Florida and treatment is administered by licensed nurses. Whether you’re ready to book an appointment or you want to ask questions, call us today.

woman managing time and coffee and calls and computer

Why IV Therapy is Perfect for Busy South Florida Professionals

For many people, South Florida is the perfect vacation destination but those who live here know the daily grind. When you’re trying to stay on top of work, it’s easy to neglect yourself. Instead of eating nutritious meals and getting adequate rest, you may be relying on caffeine or sugar to get you through the day. Unfortunately, there’s nothing good about the crash that follows. If you want a healthier option, you should consider IV hydration. Let’s look at four ways IV therapy can help you.

1. IV Therapy Relieves Jet Lag

Business travel can be a nightmare. Whether you’re visiting South Florida for a convention or coming back home after meetings abroad, jet lag can make it hard to function. You won’t be at your best if your head is pounding and you’re sleepy, lethargic, and struggling to focus. IV therapy will provide you with fluids, nutrients, and anti-inflammatory ingredients to help you fight the effects of air travel.

2. IV Therapy Provides a Fast Energy Boost

Work, family life, and events with friends can all leave you feeling drained. Just one long night can make it difficult to focus the next day. If you need to finish up an important report or woo a big client, you’ll need to perk up. Instead of making yet another cup of coffee, try an energy-boosting IV drip that’s packed with vitamin C and B vitamins. This can work wonders for your energy and focus.

3. IV Therapy Brings Relief from Hangovers

If you find yourself struggling with hangover symptoms after a party, guzzling water won’t help much. You may even make your stomach feel much worse. If you want to boost your hydration and get fast relief from your symptoms, IV hydration could be the way to go. You can get a customized cocktail to flush out toxins and provide a concentrated dose of nutrients.

4. You Can Get IV Treatments in Your Home or Office

If you thought you’d have to go to a doctor’s office to get hooked up to an IV bag, think again. When you opt for convenient mobile hydration IV services, a trained professional will come to your home or office. This means you won’t have to take too much time out of your day to get the help you need.

Contact IVMeNow Today!

If you’re ready to include IV therapy as part of your self-care routine, contact our team today. We’d be happy to answer your questions or help you book an appointment.

woman feeling sick on the couch drinking tea

Speed Up Your Recovery from the Flu with IV Therapy

Influenza affects millions of people across the world every year. Even though Florida doesn’t get freezing temperatures, October to May is still flu season. In healthy people, the flu isn’t usually serious, but it makes you feel miserable. Going about your daily life can become very difficult. If you get the flu, you may think you only have two options: go to the doctor or use over-the-counter medications to relieve your symptoms. While these are the traditional approaches, there is another option: IV hydration therapy.

Recovering from the flu takes time but getting adequate hydration can make you feel a lot better. Furthermore, the personalized IV cocktail can help to relieve the most common flu symptoms like fever, aches and pains and congestion. IV hydration can also boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and give you a boost of energy.

Flu symptoms often last for a week or two and this can be way too long if you have a lot to do. Whether you’re a student, a busy professional, an athlete or a performer, you’ll want to recover quickly. When you have adequate levels of vitamins and minerals in your system, your recovery time will be a lot shorter.

Let’s look at some of the ingredients which can help to speed up your recovery during flu season.

  • Saline solution. Fever and vomiting are common flu symptoms and they can lead to dehydration. When it’s difficult to keep anything down, IV therapy can provide the fluids and electrolytes you need. Simply rehydrating can make you feel a lot better.
  • Vitamin C. If you’re fighting illness, a concentrated dose of vitamin C can give your immune system a boost. This will help you to regain your strength and return to good health.
  • Vitamin B12. When you’re sick, your energy will be low. Vitamin B12 will boost your energy levels and help you to function better.

Contact IVMeNow to Learn About Our Treatment Options

No one likes getting the flu. However, if you get sick this flu season, you can get quick relief from your symptoms. We offer mobile hydration IV services throughout South Florida so we can visit you at your home, office or hotel. Our services are administered by highly trained, licensed nurses so you can be sure you’ll be in good hands. Contact us today to book an appointment or ask questions about IV hydration therapy.

a bunch of friends holding sparklers

Improve Your Wellbeing in the New Year with IV Therapy

The new year is the perfect time to take charge of your health and wellness. Whether your goal is to take in more nutrients, lose weight or get more sleep, IV therapy should be part of your strategy. Getting hooked up to an IV is not a substitute for a good diet and regular exercise but it can make these interventions even more effective. If you have ambitious health goals for 2020 and beyond, here are some of the benefits of intravenous nutrient therapy which you need to know.

It Can Give You More Energy

If you want to go harder in 2020, you’ll need some get up and go. You won’t get very far if you feel lethargic all the time. Boosting your energy levels with IV therapy can help to ensure you have the drive to reach your targets. Whether you want to run a marathon or simply walk for longer periods, you’ll have the vigor to do so.

It Can Improve the Condition of Your Skin

Your IV bag will be filled with a personalized cocktail of vitamins and nutrients. B vitamins, Vitamin C and glutathione are common components and they can do a lot to boost your skin’s health. They reduce inflammation, assist with moisture retention, and promote DNA repair.

It Can Help You Lose Weight

A lot goes into losing weight. You need to have sufficient energy, absorb enough nutrients, and recover from workouts within a reasonable time. If one of your goals for the new year is to shed a few pounds, you may find that vitamin infusions are just what you need. This al-natural treatment will help your body to function better.

It Can Improve Your Sleep

Another important aspect of living a healthier life is getting adequate sleep. When you don’t sleep well, your entire body can suffer. Your immune system weakens, your brain gets foggy, and you don’t absorb vitamins and minerals optimally. When you get IV hydration therapy, you’ll absorb more nutrients and you’ll be more likely to get a full night’s rest.

Reach Out to IVMeNow Today!

Whether your plans for 2020 revolve around all these elements or just one, IV therapy is worth a try. You can get an IV drip designed to help you correct your nutrient deficiencies and meet your health goals. We offer a mobile service throughout South Florida so contact us today to book an appointment or ask questions

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Is IV Therapy Really Better than Oral Supplements?

When you look at the cost of a session of IV therapy and the price of the average oral supplement, you may be tempted to try the supplement. However, the decision to invest in your health shouldn’t be based on cost alone. IV therapy can boost your health and wellness in ways that oral supplements simply can’t. While supplements are easily accessible, the science says you’ll benefit more from IV vitamin therapy.

What Happens When You Take Oral Supplements

Vitamins taken by mouth go through a complex and relatively inefficient process to make it into the bloodstream. Water-soluble vitamins have large molecules and they can’t go directly from your intestines to your bloodstream. They have to cross a layer of cells that doesn’t easily allow them to pass. The vitamins need a sodium-dependent multivitamin transporter to get through, but these are limited in capacity. Each vitamin, therefore, has to compete with the others to get into the bloodstream. You may even pass out some of these vitamins before they can be absorbed. As a result, as little as 20 percent of these vitamins may make it into your bloodstream.

Another thing to consider is that the cells which line the intestinal tract can only transport vitamins if they are healthy. Several factors limit the absorption of nutrients including:

  • Chronic alcohol use
  • Smoking
  • Infections
  • Stress
  • Medication
  • Inflammatory conditions including diabetes and Crohn’s disease

If your intestinal lining is compromised, it will impact your ability to absorb nutrients.

What Happens When You Get IV Vitamin Therapy

Taking vitamins and nutrients via the intravenous route is completely different. The infusion delivers 100 percent of each vitamin into your bloodstream by bypassing the digestive system. You get a much higher concentration of vitamins than you can ever get via oral intake. Immediately after getting your treatment, you begin to benefit from increased hydration and the effects of the vitamins kick shortly after. You’ll feel better for days or even weeks after getting a personalized cocktail in your IV.

While a vitamin drip may cost more than a bottle of multivitamin capsules, it’s well worth it. Vitamin deficiencies are responsible for a wide range of health issues including fatigue, headaches, recurring infections, difficulty losing weight and dry skin. When you get a high concentration of nutrients, you can begin to find relief.

Schedule Your IV Therapy Treatment Today

If you want to try the benefits of intravenous nutrient therapy, reach out to IVMeNow today and ask about our South Florida mobile service.